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研究生(外文):Yang, Shuying
論文名稱(外文):The Establishment and the Applications for the Scaling of English in General Scholastic Ability Test for Ordinary Senior High School Students
口試委員(外文):Sheu,TianweiKuo, BorchenHuang, Hsiaoyun
外文關鍵詞:scalinghigh school EnglishGeneral Scholastic Ability Test(GSAT)
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二、在高中學科能力測驗英文科出題數為56題時,採用Cronbach’s 係數進行英文科測驗試卷內部一致性的分析,得信度為0.897,表示該組題庫試題的內部一致性十分良好。

The study aims to develop a scaling item bank in High School General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) for the subject English. Teachers may apply the scaling item bank as the basic tool to estimate students’ ability positioning, and students may examine their present achievements as references for their GSAT in the future.
The process of the research was divided into two phases. Phase1: the researcher formulated questions, organized test papers, and gave pre-tests. The test questions of English were collected from GSAT over the past decades for qualitative analysis. That is, by utilizing the questioning principles generated from the ordinary senior high student English Subject Competence Indicators, and the number/item analysis of test questions, test papers were organized, formulated, and then invested in qualitative analysis. Establishment of the Scaling item bank was revised through corrective feedbacks from the quantitative analysis, the item parameters, (such as: item difficulty parameter, item discrimination parameter, and pseudo-chance parameter), and testees’ ability values. Furthermore, it was developed into a computerized system of scaling item bank. Phase 2: the researcher estimated the efficiency of the system design. The reliability and the validity of the system were examined by comparing the testees’ scaling scores after the pre-tests, their ability values, and scaling scores gained from GSAT for the forthcoming efficacy analysis.
The results of the study indicate the followings:
1.Based on the questioning principles generated from the ordinary senior high student English Subject Competence Indicators, in the assessment contents, “understanding and applying often-used lexicon, syntax and matching vocabulary” indicated a major ratio of formulating questions by 26.79%. Meanwhile, “being able to grasp the article content details” showed a ratio of 21.42%.
2.Cronbach’s α coefficients were adopted to analyze the reliability of the high school GSAT English test papers. The validity from a total of 56 questions scored 0.897, which showed fairly reliable internal equity of the item bank.
3.The Correlation coefficients of Criterion-related validity was adopted as the basis to examine the validity in the study. Firstly, the comparison coefficients from students’ pre-tests in the Mock Exam and that from real GSAT tests scored 0.836. Secondly, students’ ability positioning values were compared with their rankings from GSAT. The correlation coefficient scored 0.841. Both correlation coefficients proved the fairly high-level validity of the test item bank and its forecasting capability.

謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 名詞解釋 5
壹、 學科能力測驗 5
貳、 指定科目考試 5
參、 模擬考試 6
肆、 成就測驗 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 測驗試題編製 8
壹、 高中能力指標 8
貳、 試題命題原則 11
第二節 試題反應理論 14
壹、 IRT的基本假設 14
貳、 IRT的模式及其特性 15
第三節 線上電腦測驗 17
第三章 研究方法 18
第一節 研究流程 18
第二節 研究步驟 20
第三節 研究工具 24
壹、 統計分析軟體SPSS 24
貳、 BILOG-MG軟體 24
第四節 研究範圍與限制 25
壹、 研究試題方面 25
貳、 研究對象方面 25
第四章 研究結果 26
第一節 高中學測英文科命題架構 26
第二節 高中學測英文科測驗題數分配表 28
第三節 高中學測英文科命題適切檢查表 29
第四節 高中學測英文科題本編製與測驗設計結果 29
第五節 高中學測英文科組卷探討 30
第六節 高中學測英文科試題參數表 31
第七節 不良試題標記表 34
第八節 試題刪除題數統計表 34
第九節 試題結果分析 35
第十節 99課綱高中學測英文科命題原則 36
第十一節 信度分析 38
第十二節 效度分析 38
第五章 結論與建議 39
參考文獻 40
中文部分 40
英文部分 42
附錄一 英文科命題適切檢查表 44
附錄二 英文科預試試題參數表 48
附錄三 99課綱學測英文科參考試卷說明 74
附錄四 95暫綱學測英文科參考試卷說明 82
附錄五 計畫成果交互授權同意書 90

表1.1學科能力測驗歷年報名人數統計表 2
表2.1 99課綱與95暫綱之分析 9
表3.1 NEAT設計 20
表4.1 高中學測英文科命題架構 26
表4.2 高中學測英文科測驗題數分配表 28
表4.3 詞彙與慣用語的命題適切檢查表 29
表4.4 高中學測英文科題本編製與測驗設計 29
表4.5 學科能力測驗英文科組卷試卷架構(95暫綱) 30
表4.6 學科能力測驗英文科組卷試卷架構(99課綱) 30
表4.7 高中學測英文科試題參數表 31
表4.8 不良試題標記表 34
表4.9 試題刪除題數統計表 35
表4.10 測驗試題參數平均值分析表 36
表4.11 邏輯思考、判斷與創造力檢查表 37
表4.12 學測成績以及模考成績以及能力值之相關 38

圖3.1 量尺化題庫建置流程暨分工圖 19
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