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研究生(外文):LIN, JIAN-TING
論文名稱(外文):The Establishment and the Applications for the Scaling of Mathematics in General Scholastic Ability Test for Ordinary Senior High School Students
指導教授(外文):SHEU, TIAN-WEI
外文關鍵詞:Mock ExamScalingGeneral Scholastic Ability TestMathematics
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二、在仿大學學科能力測驗數學科出題數為20題時,本研究採用Cronbach’s 係數進行數學科測驗試卷內部一致性的分析,得信度為0.639,表示該組題庫試題的內部一致性良好。
This study aims to build an imitation of the Mathematics Test Scaling Item Bank (math TSIB) for the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT). For the third-grade high school students (or full-time math teachers or homeroom teachers), the study helps them to better understand the students' math ability positioning before their real performances in the official GSAT. Through the math TSIB in this study, the student achievements from GSAT become more predictable.

This study was accomplished in two parts. Firstly, several math specialists qualitatively analyzed the mathematics tests in GSAT from School Year 83 to 99, (19 tests in total) in accordance with the Ordinary Senior High School Courses Interim Outline valid for students of School Year 95. The outcomes were organized as the assessment framework and principles for building new pre-test questions for the experimental group of senior high school students. Then, the researcher examined the results with quantitative analysis in order to gather the testee’s score values, and the item parameters including: item difficulty parameter, item discrimination parameter, and pseudo-chance parameter. The results provided feedbacks for the mathematics specialists to re-examine the original questions and reformulate new questions for the math TSIB system.

Secondly, the study was examined by applying pre-tests to third–grade senior high school students. The results from the pre-tests and the students’ official GSAT mathematics test scores were compared to further calculate the related data so as to inspect and prove the reliability and the validity of the study. The finalized math TSIB system would become references and applications for teachers and students in the future.

The findings are as follows:
1.After analyzing the questioning principles from the math TSIB system, the top 12 assessment items were: (1) the number and the coordinate system, which took a ratio of 21.2%; (2) polynomial, 15.7%; (3) the straight line and the plane in the space, 10.4%; (4) permutations and combinations, 10.2%; (5) probability and statistics part one, 9.3%; (6) conic section, 7.5%; (7) sequences and series, 7.2%; (8) the trigonometric functions of the basic concept, 6.6%; (9) the nature of the trigonometric functions and applications, 5.8%; (10) exponentials and logarithms, 3.4%; (11) vector, 2.7%, and (12) round and spherical equation, which took 0%.
2.Cronbach’s coefficients were adopted to precede mathematics tests. For the internal equity analysis, when the imitation of math TSIB contained 20 questions, the reliability scored 0.639, which represented the comparably reliable internal equity.
3.In the study, Criterion-related validity was applied as the testing basis to practice two analyses: firstly, the relationship between math scores from GSAT and scores from the Mock Exams, and the coefficient was 0.764. Secondly, the correlation coefficients between student GSAT scores and the testees’ ability value scored 0.75. Both exceeding 0.75 scores proved the predication capability and the research outcomes from the math TSIB in the study rather valuable to all participants’ references.

謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 名詞釋義 6
壹、 模擬考試 6
貳、 量尺化測驗 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 學科能力測驗的試題編擬 7
壹、 學科能力測驗 7
貳、 97年公告之普通高級中學課程綱要(99課綱) 12
參、 高中數學科95暫綱與99課綱比較 13
肆、 試題參照標準與轉換之必要性 16
第二節 試題反應理論 17
第三節 效標關聯效度 20
壹、 效度的定義 20
貳、 效度的分類與特性 20
參、 效標效度的種類與應用範例 20
第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究流程 22
第二節 研究步驟 25
壹、 建立能力指標與命題架構 25
貳、 命題原則與試題設計 25
參、 修整與審查試題 25
肆、 預試與試題分析 25
伍、 篩選試題 26
陸、 將試題內容與試題參數輸入電腦資料庫 26
第三節 研究工具 28
壹、 SPSS統計分析軟體: 28
貳、 BILOG-MG軟體 28
第四節 研究範圍與限制 29
壹、 研究對象方面 29
貳、 研究試題方面 29
第四章 研究結果 30
第一節 高中學測數學科命題架構 30
第二節 高中學測數學科測驗題數分配表 35
第三節 高中學測數學科命題適切檢查表 36
第四節 高中學測數學科題本編製與測驗設計 37
第五節 高中學測數學科試題參數表 38
第六節 不良試題標記 39
第七節 試題分析結果 41
第八節 信度分析 42
第九節 效度分析 43
第五章 結論與建議 44
參考文獻 45
附錄一 99課綱學測數學科考試說明 50
附錄二 95暫綱與99課綱數學科章節分析 60
附錄三 99課綱相對95暫綱數學科之刪除項目說明 65
附錄四 99課綱相對95暫綱數學科之新增項目說明 66
附錄五 99課綱相對95暫綱數學科之強化項目說明 67
附錄六 99課綱相對95暫綱數學科之弱化項目說明 68
附錄七 99課綱相對95暫綱數學科之位置調整項目說明 69
附錄八 99課綱相對95暫綱數學科之選修項目說明 71
附錄九 高中學測數學科命題適切檢查表 72
附錄十 99課綱學測數學科參考試卷 74
附錄十一 95暫綱學測數學科參考試卷 81
附錄十二 計畫成果同意使用證明書 89

表1.1 101與102學年度大學學科能力測驗各報名方式之人數及百分比統計表 3
表2.1 學測各考科測驗範圍 9
表2.2 學測選擇題多選題之批改範例 10
表2.3 級分與原始得分範圍對照表 12
表3.1 定錨不等組設計 23
表4.1 95暫綱學科能力測驗數學科能力指標 30
表4.2 99課綱學科能力測驗數學科命題架構 32
表4.3 高中學測數學科測驗命題比例分配 35
表4.4 高中學測數學科命題適切性檢查表-一般性原則 36
表4.5 學測數學科預試測驗題本等化設計 37
表4.6 高中學測數學科試題參數表範例 38
表4.7 範例試卷不良試題標記結果 39
表4.8 各卷試題參數表現狀況(平均值) 41
表4.9 學科能力測驗數學科級分以及模擬考試數學科級分之相關係數 43

圖1.1 學科能力測驗適用之升學管道 2
圖1.2 學科能力測驗歷年報名人數統計 3
圖2.1 學測數學科選填題答案卡劃記示意圖 11
圖3.1 量尺化題庫建置流程圖 24

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