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研究生(外文):Chun-wei Peng
論文名稱(外文):4D cardiac MRI segmentation
指導教授(外文):Ching -Wei Wang
口試委員(外文):Ching -Wei Wang
外文關鍵詞:Cardiac MRI
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醫療用電腦輔助診斷系統(CAD, computer-aided detection)目前已廣泛應用在臨床醫學診斷上。隨著科技的進步醫學診斷與電腦相應結合,目前成像儀器有斷層掃瞄(CT)、磁振造影(MRI)、超音波(Ultrasound)等。此儀器影像藉由網路(PACS)可傳輸至電腦端進行影像處理,電腦端可將輸入之影像進行、分割、偵測和影像重建等處理,醫師藉由這些輔助可立即發現病灶,也大幅減少判讀時間。MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)是近年來在臨床診斷上相當重要的影像工具,此種使用準確而不必侵入人體就可以得到人體內部器官造影的方法,對醫學的診斷、醫療和後續工作都十分重要。

在目前醫學上面發現,心血管疾病是最常見的死因。所以在臨床或者醫學上,心臟的結構和功能是非常重要的。在目前診斷上面,主要針對心臟功能的評估是藉由左心室(Left Ventricular)和右心室(Right Ventricular)在舒張末期(end diastolic)和收縮末期(end systolic)進行評估。為了在臨床實踐上,MRI資料必須被充分的利用,並且考慮資料的總數量來自動對心室做評估。在過去的幾年裡,已經有人提出針對左心室(Left Ventricular)使用半自動和全自動分割的技術。因為,左心室(Left Ventricular)分割一直是一個很特別的重點,在於左心室(Left Ventricular)比右心室(Right Ventricular)面積來的大、強壯和有規則性,並且在分割執行上面左心室(Left Ventricular)比右心室(Right Ventricular)來的容易多。所以,在目前現有的文獻方面,針對心臟結構的評估幾乎都是藉由左心室(Left Ventricular)分割的技術來探討。不過近年來,發現磁振造影(MRI,Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 對右心室(Right Ventricular)影像有很高的分辨率,所以近年來也越來越多人使用右心室(Right Ventricular)評估來當標準工具。不過將心臟使用在磁振造影(MRI,Magnetic Resonance Imaging)針對右心室(Right Ventricular)分割上是有很大的困難,因為右心室(Right Ventricular)有複雜的運動和分析,所以伴隨著許多的變數以及形狀屬於月牙形狀和心室壁很薄等,以上總總說明了右心室的分析和分割上的複雜度和困難。

本研究設計了一套演算法是針對四維胸腔MRI(Magnetic Resonance imaging)進行分割與重建。我們提供全自動分割方式解決手動分割方式所帶來的問題(耗時長、人力需求大)和心臟使用在磁振造影(MRI,Magnetic Resonance Imaging)針對右心室(Right Ventricular)分割上帶來的困惱。本研究設計一個技術與現有文獻上技術的不同點是在於,本研究的技術是用心臟運動模式的概念,應用在左心室(Left Ventricular)和右心室(Right Ventricular) 全自動分割上 。
Nowadays, computer-aided detection has been widely used in clinical diagnosis. With advances in technology combined with medical diagnosis and computer, Imaging has tomography imaging equipment (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (Ultrasound), etc. Through network (PACS) this instrument image can be transferred to PC for image processing. Computer terminal can operate, segment, detect and image reconstruct entered images. By these auxiliary tools, physicians can immediately discovered lesions and significantly reduce diagnosis time. MRI has been an important imaging tools for clinical diagnosis in recent years. It is important method for clinical diagnosis, medical treatment and subsequence that MRI can obtain internal organs imaging accurately without invading human body.

In the current medical findings, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death. Therefore, cardiac structure and function are very important in the clinical. The current diagnosis show that the main assessment aimed at cardiac function is through end-diastole and end- diastolic of left ventricular and right ventricular. In order to implement in clinical diagnosis, MRI needs to be use sufficiently and consider total data to assess ventricular automatically.In the past few years, study has proposed using semi-automatic and fully automatic segmentation technique for the left ventricle. Left ventricular has been a particular point because left ventricle’s area is larger, stronger and more regular than right ventricle’s. Moreover, it is easier to segment on left ventricular than right ventricular. Therefore, in the existing literature, most studies within cardiac structure focus on left ventricular evaluation. However, in recent years, researchers found that MRI has high resolution on the right ventricle images, so there are more and more people use the right ventricle assessments as a standard tool. Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult using MRI on right ventricular segmentation, because the right ventricle has a complex motion and analysis, following many variables the shape is crescent and ventricular walls are quite thin. To sum up, it is complex and difficult analyzing and segmenting on right ventricular.

In this study, an algorithm is designed for four-dimensional chest MRI segmentation and reconstruction. We offer a fully automated segmentation method to resolve the issue which manual segmentation method results in (e.g., wastes time and demands a lot of human resources) and the problem that using MRI on right ventricular. The significantly technical difference between previous studies, this study use the concept of cardiac motion mode and apply automatic segmentation to both left ventricular and right ventricular.
第一章 緒論
第二章 研究背景
第三章 研究數據和方法
3.2.2左心室(Left Ventricular)的偵測簡單(Coarse)的左心室偵測應用在時間軸(T軸)準確(Precise)左心室偵測應用在Z軸
3.2.3右心室(Right Ventricular)的偵測右心室(Right Ventricular)的處理右心室(Right Ventricular)合併的處理
3.2.4對右心室(Right Ventricular)效正時間軸空間上對右心室進行效正時間軸空間上對右心室進行前效正時間軸空間上對右心室進行中間效正時間軸空間上對右心室進行後效正 Z軸空間上對右心室(Right Ventricular)進行效正 Z軸空間向上對右心室進行效正 Z軸空間向下對右心室進行效正
第四章 實驗方法和結果
第五章 結論與未來展望
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