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研究生(外文):Wendy Yu-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Relationships among Perceived Autonomy Support, Work Motivation, and Creativity
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:perceived autonomy supportautonomous motivationcontrolled motivationcreativityself-determination theory
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本研究主要目的在於探討知覺自主支持、工作動機 (自主性動機、控制性動機)與創造力之間的關係。問卷採主管與員工配對之方式,先以81組有效配對進行第一階段預試,以項目分析和驗證性因素分析確認研究工具的信效度後,再進入第二階段正式施測的部分。正式施測回收有效問卷258組配對,以皮爾森相關分析和階層性迴歸分析進行假說驗證。分析結果發現,部分結果與過去文獻相符:知覺主管自主支持與員工的表現(創造力)具有正向的顯著關係;主管的自主支持也與員工的自主性動機有正向的顯著關係。知覺同事自主支持亦與員工的自主性動機具有正向關係。另外,員工的自主性動機與員工的創造力具有正向的顯著關係。未預期的結果則為:知覺主管自主支持與員工的控制性動機具有正向的顯著關係;知覺同事自主支持則和員工創造力未有顯著的關聯性;自主性與控制性動機和員工創造力皆未有顯著的關聯性。最後,根據研究結果說明主要發現與未預期發現的內容,也進一步提出實務意涵與後續研究之建議。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among perceived autonomy support from manager and colleagues, work motivation (autonomous and controlled motivation) and creativity. By dyadic questionnaire survey, total of 258 paired-samples were collected through survey. Data were analyzed via Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression to test proposed model. As in previous studies, perceived autonomy support from manager was significantly and positively related to employee’s outcome (creativity); and positively related to autonomous motivation. Also, perceived autonomy support from colleagues was positively related to autonomous motivation. Besides, autonomous motivation was positively relate to creativity. Unexpected results showed that perceived autonomy support from manager was positively related to controlled motivation; and autonomy support from colleagues was unrelated to employee’s creativity. Also, there was no correlation between work motivation and creativity. In final, theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for future studies are also discussed.
Table of Contents
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
Table of Contents III
List of Tables V
List of Figures VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1.Research Background and Motives 1
1.2.Research Objectives 3
1.3.Research Procedure 3
1.4.Definition of Terms 4
Perceived autonomy support 4
Work Motivation 4
Creativity 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1.Self-Determination and Perceived Autonomy Support 6
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) 6
Perceived autonomy support 8
2.2.Perceived Autonomy Support and Creativity 9
2.3.Work Motivation 10
2.4.Perceived Autonomy Support, Work Motivation and Creativity 13
Perceived autonomy support and work motivation 13
Work motivation and creativity 15
Chapter 3 Methodology 17
3.1.Research Framework and Hypotheses 17
3.2.Research Participants 18
3.3.Instrument 19

Perceived autonomy support 19
Work Motivation 20
Creativity 20
Demographic information 20
Reliability and validity of pre-testing questionnaires 21
3.4.Data Collection 27
Procedure 27
Methods to avoid Common Method Variance (CMV) 27
3.5.Data Analysis 28
Chapter 4 Results 29
4.1.Sample Description 29
Sample Description 29
Control variables 31
4.2.Descriptive Statistics of Major Variables 32
4.3.Hypotheses Examination 33
Perceived autonomy support and creativity 33
Perceived autonomy support and work motivation 35
Work motivation and creativity 36
Summary of research results 37
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions 38
Major findings 38
Unexpected findings 39
Managerial implications 40
Limitations and Future Research 41
References 42
Appendix A: Manager Questionnaire 47
Appendix B: Employee Questionnaire 50

List of Tables
Table 1 Item Analysis and Confirm Factor Analysis_ All Original Items 23
Table 2 Demographic Statistics 30
Table 3 Means, Standard Deviations, Correlations, and Reliabilities 32
Table 4 Results of Hierarchical Regression 34
Table 5 Summary of Results 37

List of Figures
Figure 1 Self-determination Continuum 12
Figure 2 Research Framework 17
Figure 3 Relationships among All Variables 37

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