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研究生(外文):Han-jung Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Comparative Study of Novel Translation and Subtitle Translation in Anne of Green Gables
指導教授(外文):Jeffrey E. Denton
外文關鍵詞:Anne of Green Gablessubtitle translationcomparison of translation strategiesadaptation of filmnovel translation
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The trend of novels adapted into films has been popular in the film industry for years. Few studies have been conducted to compare translation strategy dissimilarities between novels and subtitles. Such research mainly focuses on novels or films individually, both types yet to be discussed and compared collectively. This study aims to compare the translation strategy differences between the novel and the subtitles, based on the classic literature Anne of Green Gables. The dialogues in the translated novels, the adapted miniseries and the adapted novel of Anne of Green Gables are collected as the research materials. The research questions discussed in this thesis include: (1) How do the restraints in the media affect the strategic differences? (2) How far apart are the translation strategies between novels and subtitles? The comparative analysis method and qualitative research method are adopted to further elaborate the translations and arrive at the results of how restraints and different text types affect the strategic dissimilarities in the novel translation and subtitle translation in adaptations. The findings to the first question show that deletion and condensation strategies are adopted variously in different lengths of the dialogues in the novel and subtitle translations. Text type differences also affect the translation strategies in the novel and subtitle including their style and form. This study aims to motivate future research to engage in similar discussions concerning adaptation and translation, and provide examples as references for novel and subtitle translators.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
List of Examples viii
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Books vs. Screen 1
1.2 Research Purpose and Structure 3
1.3 Background Information of Anne of Green Gables 5
1.3.1 The Author of Anne of Green Gables 6
1.3.2 The Adaptation—Book and Screen 6
CHAPTER 2: Literature Review 9
2.1 Katharina Reiss—Text Typology 9
2.2 Peter Newmark—Text Types and Translation Methods 11
2.3 Macrostrategies and Microstrategies 15
2.3.1 Macrostrategies 16
2.3.2 Microstrategies 19
2.4 Subtitle Translation Research 20
2.4.1 Novels vs. Films 20
2.4.2 Subtitle Translation 21
2.5 Challenges of Literary Translation and Subtitle Translation 24
CHAPTER 3: Methodology 26
3.1 Data Collection and Analysis 26
3.1.1 Description of Research Data 27
3.1.2 Research Data Collection 29
3.2 Sample Text Analysis Approach 30
3.2.1 Source vs. Target—Macrostrategies and Microstrategies 31
3.2.2 Restraints—The Length of The Dialogue 44
3.3 Discussion of Methodology 45
CHAPTER 4: Findings and Discussion 47
4.1 Sample Text Analysis—From Book to Screen 47
4.1.1 Short Dialogue Findings 48
4.1.2 Medium Dialogue Findings 54
4.1.3 Long Dialogue Findings 64
4.2 Sample Text Analysis—From Screen to Book 76
4.2.1 Form and Wording 77
4.2.2 Addition Strategy with Parenthesis 83
4.3 Summary 86
CHAPTER 5: Conclusion 89
5.1 Contributions 89
5.1.1 Style 92
5.1.2 Form 94
5.2 Limitations 96
5.3 Recommendations 97
References 99
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