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研究生(外文):Wei-Kang Wang
論文名稱(外文):The social economy for rural development in the local-open innovation system: a case study for Townway in Ju-Shan
外文關鍵詞:rural developmentsocial economysocial innovationlocal-open innovation systemcreating shared value
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竹山小鎮文創以公司的組織形態,取代傳統中央政府由上而下的政策輔導,以及非營利組織由下而上的社區營造,透過商業力量作為工具從市場端取得資源,在推動竹山的地方營造上取得了更大的轉圜空間,免去了傳統申請補助在行政上的限制,成為臺灣鄉村在地方永續發展上的社會創新典範。小鎮文創公司從最初的民宿觀光旅遊開始,逐漸深化與竹山地方發展困境的連結,進而提出Share bank共創平臺的制度,建立旅客與地方發展的關係。從社會創新的角度來看,需求的滿足來自於社會關係的改變,特別是關係的治理。在Share bank共創平臺的機制中可以發現,社會創新的治理從結合地方的草根力量開始,藉由旅行模式的轉化,創造一種社會氛圍帶來集體的行動,連結起外部遊客的集體共感(empathy)與行動。


This paper is a case study focuses on Townway, a social economic organization (SEO) which launched an open-innovation platform “Share bank” to build up the relationships of internal and external groups/individuals and improve the development in Ju-Shan. It argues that the problem of the rural recession can be better resolved in the local innovation system. Since the 1990s, the frequent global economic crises have brought about the rise of the Third Sector, which aims for addressing the social problems and bringing the social innovation to the SEOs from the bottom-up forces.

In Taiwan, rural development, which seeks to empower individuals and groups of people by providing them with the skills they need and utilize local resources to improve their own communities effectively, is a common way/scale for the SEOs to promote their concepts through the traditional market mechanism. However, the local resources should be well identified, regulated, and linked with external networks to make the rural community develops in a more sustainable way. In the view of this, many SEOs have started to address the social problem through an innovative model and bring an alternative, systematic way of rural development.

A preferred innovative model should identify and strengthen the resource network and rural development in the local innovation system. Following Gibson-Graham, this paper illustrate the alternative rural development with local resources identification, social innovation process, and internal/external social network linkages in the examples of a deprived community in central Taiwan.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍、方法與內容 5
第二章 竹山,一間民宿的鄉村文藝復興 12
第一節 小鎮文創公司發展背景 12
第二節 竹山發展與人口、產業簡史 15
第三節 小鎮文創公司對竹山發展之影響 19
第三章 鄉村發展與臺灣的社區總體營造經驗 24
第一節 鄉村研究的歷史回顧 24
第二節 系統觀點下的鄉村發展 26
第三節 臺灣的社區總體營造經驗 29
第四節 地方開放創新系統 37
第四章 社會經濟組織與公民力量的崛起 56
第一節 資本主義的危機與未來轉變 56
第二節 社會經濟、社會創新與社會企業 66
第三節 創造地方共享價值 86
第六章 結論與建議 93
第一節 結論 93
第二節 研究限制與建議 96
參考文獻 97

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