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研究生(外文):Yun ju Chen
論文名稱(外文):Issue Management and Strategic Advocacy of a Social Movement Organization in Organizational Communication:A Case Study of NTU ShouXing Program.
外文關鍵詞:social movement organizationissue managementadvocacy strategyorganizational communicationShaoxing Community.
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另在議題管理面向上,研究結果顯示,紹興學程的議題計畫在辨別議題上,會依據議題的急迫性與尊重紹興社區居民的態度與意見,來決定議題之設定。紹興學程在面對議題時,採用了打帶跑(Hit and run)的方式與採取且戰且走之策略。在進一步檢視議題設定上發現,紹興學程從「反迫遷議題」轉至「居住人權」議題,並積極對外串聯其他組織,以增強組織論述。

The Shaoxing Program was adopted as the case study in this paper. Through the perspective of organizational communication, the internal and external organizational context of a social movement organization’s Shaoxing Program was explored. In addition, the dual processes of how to construct the internal organization during the advocacy process and manage convincing external agendas were examined.

The qualitative research method was adopted as the research method in this study. Through 208 entries of text data analysis and participation observation method, eight Shaoxing Program members were interviewed. Findings show that the Shaoxing Program’s internal communication structure mainly comprises formal communication. In terms of the identification of organizational roles, there are three types: (1) Social movement organizations; (2) Community work groups; (3)student groups. From the perspective of external organizational communication, the two-way asymmertric
communication model was switched to the two-way symmertric communication model.

Additionally, from the issue management perspective, findings show that in terms of identification of agendas through Shaoxing Program agenda planning, the urgency of agendas shall serve as the basis for determining agendas set up, giving respect to the attitude and opinions of Shaoxing Community residents. When agendas arise, the Shaoxing Program is carried out through the strategies of “hit and run” and “fight or flight”. A further insight into agenda setting shows that The Shaoxing Program changed from “anti-eviction issues” to “living right issues”. Furthermore, active initiatives to link external organizations will strengthen the organizational discourse.

Finally, as far as The Shaoxing Program’s advocacy action strategies are concerned, findings show that five strategies are adopted, namely, “policy strategies”, “law strategies”, “administrative strategies”, “communication strategies”, and “daily life strategies”. Among them, the policy strategies cover three items: “embarrassment & confrontation strategies”, “coalition strategies”, and “information strategies”.
第一章 緒論...............................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...... ................1
第二節 研究目的................... ........3
第三節 研究問題........................... 4
第二章 文獻探討........... ................7
第一節 社會運動組織與社會運動概況............ 7
一、社會運動組織.......................... 7
二、社會運動理論.......................... 9
第二節 組織傳播與社運組織的議題管理........... 14
一、議題管理意涵.......................... 15
二、行動團體與議題的生命週期................. 21
三、組織內部議題管理模式與回應模式............ 24
四、組織內外部溝通與組織認定......... ........27
第三節 議題倡議........................... 33
一、組織倡議對象.......................... 34
二、倡議策略.............................. 36
第三章 研究方法與個案說明................... 42
第一節 質性個案研究方法..................... 42
第二節 個案說明........................... 43
一、紹興社區.............................. 43
二、紹興學程...................... ........44
三、紹興議題歷程.................. ........45
第三節 個案資料蒐集................ ........47
第四節 資料分析........................... 50
第四章 紹興學程組織發展歷程與議題管理. ........52
第一節 紹興學程@紹興社區之組織發展歷程........ 52
一、紹興學程的使命與願景............ ........52
二、紹興學程的組織結構與運作................. 53
三、紹興學程的組織認定...................... 55
第二節 紹興學程的議題管理........... ........60
一、紹興學程的議題計劃...................... 60
二、議題設定.............................. 62
三、組織定位的轉變─從戰鬥型組織轉向社區培力.... 64
第三節 紹興學程對外組織溝通................. 66
一、紹興學程對外溝通─由「科學性說服」至「對話協商」...... 66
二、紹興學程的回應模式...................... 70
第四節 小結.............................. 74
第五章 紹興學程倡議行動策略................. 76
第一節 紹興學程倡議對象..................... 76
一、臺大校方師生.......................... 76
二、紹興社區居民.......................... 77
三、一般社會大眾.......................... 78
四、傳播媒體............................. 80
五、 兩公約施行監督聯盟審查小組.............. 81
第二節 倡議行動策略........................ 83
一、政策性策略............................ 83
二、司法性策略............................ 86
三、行政策略 ─(合產策略).................. 87
四、傳播策略.............................. 88
五、日常生活策略 ─ (草根遊說策略).......... 90
第三節 小結............................. 92
第六章 結論與建議......................... 94
第一節 紹興學程議題管理與組織溝通............ 94
一、由內部組織情境看紹興學程................ 94
二、經由「議題管理」形塑紹興議題............. 96
三、紹興學程對外組織溝通與回應方式............ 97
四、紹興學程組織建制之過程.................. 97
第二節 紹興學程倡議行動策略................. 100
第三節 討論與建議......................... 103
一、公民不服從 vs. 新禮貌運動............... 104
二、社會運動中的傳播管道探討................. 105
三、議題管理的應用因時制宜.................. 106
第四節 研究限制........................... 108
參考文獻................................. 110

表2-1 社運組織與非政府組織之異同............. 8
表2-2 社會運動與社運組織之關係.............. 12
表2-3 議題管理之定義...................... 17
表2-4 議題管理定義取向.................... 18
表2-5 議題管理過程模式.................... 24
表2-6 公共政策制定過程.................... 34
表2-7 組織的策略模式...................... 38
表3-1 受訪者基本資料...................... 48
表4-1 紹興學程安置計劃的議題設定............ 64
表4-2 紹興學程對外溝通策略圖 ................73
表5-1 倡議行動策略圖...................... 93
表6-1 紹興學程對外回應與倡議策略............. 102

圖2-1 研究架構圖.......................... 41
圖3-1 紹興議題時間軸.......................46
圖3-2 研究流程圖.......................... 51
圖4-1 紹興學程組織成員分布.................. 55
圖4-2 紹興學程組織認定..................... 58



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