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研究生(外文):Meng-Zhe Liao
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the Constructions and Applications in the Proxy Blind Signature and Designated Verifier Signature
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Blind SignatureProxy Blind SignatureUniversal Designated Verifier SignatureBlindnessUnlinkabilityRoaming Authentication
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近年來,無線網路通訊系統已經成為很重要的產業,因此很多學者也致力於研究電子商務的議題。過去已經有很多認證和簽章機制的文獻被提出,然而計算的成本以及安全性是設計這些機制的兩個主要考慮因素。本篇論文特別去研究一些比較特別的簽章,例如代理盲簽章(Proxy Blind Signature)與廣義指定驗證者的簽章(Universal Designated Verifier Signature)的建構及應用。盲簽章的概念最早是在1982年由Chaum等學者所提出,它具有兩個特性: 盲目性、不可連結性。簽章者在簽署一份文件時並不知道文件的內容,即使簽章之後被公佈,其他人仍然無法去連結到簽章請求者的身分。盲簽章常應用於電子商務或電子投票,而一個延伸的概念代理盲簽章(Proxy Blind Signature)主要是結合代理簽章和盲簽章兩者的概念,代表的意義是原始簽章者可以指定他簽章的權利給代理簽章者,與盲簽章的機制類似,代理簽章者同樣地無法知道他所簽屬文件的內容。而本論文則提出了基於離散對數以及橢圓曲線離散對數難題的 代理盲簽章,並且將它應用在離線的電子現金(E-Cash)系統上。
此外,在2003年時Steinfeld提出了廣義指定驗證者簽章的概念,它允許任何簽章持有者(Signature holder)指定簽章給任何的的指定驗證者去驗證,因此它具有不可傳遞的性質,代表指定驗證者無法說服其他人此簽章是否有效的事實。廣義的指定驗證簽章並不像一般的簽章所有人都能夠去驗證,因此應用也不盡相同。根據廣義指定驗證者簽章的性質,本論文提出了一個新的漫遊認證協定而且具有弱驗證很好的性質。
In recent years, wireless communication systems have become an important industry, therefore many researchers working on the issues of e-commerce. A lot of literatures of authentication and signature mechanisms have been proposed previously; however, computational costs and security, are the two major considerations for the design of these mechanisms. In this thesis, we discuss some special signatures such as proxy blind signature and universal designated verifier signature for their constructions and applications. In 1982, Chaum proposed the concept of the blind signature. It has two secure requirements: blindness and unlinkability. When a signer signs a message, he/she does not know the content of the message. Even though the signature is announced later, others still cannot link the relationship between the signature and the requester. Blind signature is often applied on e-commerce or electronic voting. An extended notion, proxy blind signature, combines the concept of the proxy signature and the blind signature. That means the original signer can delegate the signing capability to a person named the proxy signer, and similar to the blind signature scheme, the proxy signer cannot know the contents of the message he signed. We propose secure proxy blind signatures based on both discrete logarithm problem (DLP) and elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP), and also propose an off-line e-cash system based on ECDLP-based proxy blind signature.
Moreover in 2003, Steinfeld et al. proposed Universal Designated Verifier Signature (UDVS). This method allows any signature holder to designate the signature to any desired designated verifier. Thus it has the non-transferability property that means the designated verifier is unable to convince others of the fact that the signature is valid. UDVS is different from the general signature. According to the property of UDVS, we proposed a novel roaming authentication protocol that has a nice property of the weak authentication.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.3 Organization of This Thesis 4
Chapter 2. Related Works 5
2.1 Proxy Blind Signature 5
2.1.1 Review of Related Proxy Blind Signature Schemes 6
2.1.2 Electronic Cash 8
2.2 Universal Designated Verifier Signature 9
2.2.1 Review of Universal Designated Multi-Verifier Signature Schemes 10
2.2.2 Roaming Authentication 12
Chapter 3. New Constructions and Applications on Proxy Blind Signatures Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem and Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem 18
3.1 Proposed Scheme 19
3.1.1 Proxy Blind Signature Based on DLP 19
3.1.2 Proxy Blind Signature Based on ECDLP 21
3.2 Security Analysis and Discussions 24
3.3 Application: E-Cash System Based on ECDLP-Based Proxy 29
3.3.1 Proposed Scheme 29
3.3.2 Security Analysis and discussions 34
Chapter 4. The Application of Designated Verifier Signature in Roaming Authentication 36
4.1 Proposed Scheme 36
4.2 Security Analysis and discussions 43
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Work 47
Chapter 6. Reference 48
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