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研究生(外文):Tai-Yuan Tu
論文名稱(外文):Study of Reversible Data Hiding and Visual Secret Image Sharing Techniques
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Data HidingReversible Data-HidingVisual Secret SharingVector QuantizationProgressive Visual cryptography
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由於電腦運算能力的提昇和網際網路的全球普及,愈來愈多各種型態的資料經由網際網路來傳輸與存取,然而,便利的通訊方式伴隨而來的資訊安全和網路頻寬等問題就更顯得重要。為確保資訊在網路上傳輸時的機密性、完整性及可用性,因此有很多用來建構安全私密的通訊技術被提出來,譬如密碼學(cryptography)和資料隱藏(data hiding)技術。密碼學技術乃是將秘密訊息轉變為難以閱讀的亂碼型式,而資料隱藏技術則是將秘密資訊隱藏到主載體(cover carrier)中,讓人無法察覺出主載體藏有資訊。在本論文中,我們主要針對資料隱藏和視覺密碼兩方面提出方法。
研究一開始是先在資料隱藏方面研發新的演算法,資料隱藏主要分為可還原式資料隱藏(reversible data hiding)技術和不可還原式資料隱藏技術兩類;不可還原式資料隱藏(irreversible data hiding)技術是指其秘密資訊可完整提取出來,而其載體是無法復原回到未藏資料前的狀態,相反地,可還原式資料隱藏技術除了秘密資訊可完整提取出來之外,其載體也可還原回未藏資訊前的原始載體狀態。
首先我們提出植基於搜尋次序碼(search order code)的壓縮技術來增加資訊藏匿量,它是利用搜尋次序碼演算將所有的向量壓縮索引(VQ index)分成搜尋次序碼索引值(SOC index)和向量壓縮索引(VQ index),接著再將秘密資訊分別藏入搜尋次序碼索引值和向量壓縮索引中,而每一搜尋次序碼索引值則可藏多於一個位元以上的資訊量,藉以增加秘密資訊的藏量。本論文提出的第二個解決方法則不再使用一整個向量壓縮索引當作群集間轉換的區別顯示標誌,而改用一個位元取代向量壓縮索引,如此一來,不只第一個群集可以藏秘密資訊,第二和第三個群集也可以藏秘密資訊,這兩個方法不僅降低元率(bit rate)同時也提升秘密資訊的藏匿量。
除了研發資料隱藏的演算法之外,我們也提出來視覺密碼的技術,2006年Fang和Lin 提出漸進式視覺秘密分享技術,由於其設計不當,這個方法所產生的任一張分享影像(share)中都會隱約顯露出祕密影像的訊息,而導致嚴重的安全問題。我們透過重新設計一個符合安全條件的基本矩陣(basis matrix),提出一個安全的漸進式視覺分享技術。
傳統的 -threshold視覺祕密分享技術在還原秘密影像的過程中,每一張分享影像的還原能力都一樣;但是在現實的生活中,每一個人都有不同的責任義務,從管理的觀點來思考,每一個參與者可能會有不同等級的權責,我們希望根據每個人在解碼階段不同的重要性來設計帶有不同權重的分享影像,因此,提出具權重 -門檻式無像素擴展的視覺加密技術來達成依不同權責分配不同權重的目標,且此技術在影像還原的過程中亦具有漸進顯示的效果。
Due to the increase of the computation power and the worldwide popularity of the Internet, more and more data of various kinds can be accessed and transmitted over the Internet. However, the convenient communication ways are accompanied by problems of information security and the usage of networking bandwidth. To ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data transmission over the Internet, many different approaches have been proposed in attempt to make private communication secure, such as cryptography and data-hiding. Cryptography techniques can scramble secret information into an unreadable message. Data-hiding techniques can provide secure transmission by embedding secret information within covert carriers to avoid observation. In this dissertation, we aim to design not only data-hiding algorithms but also visual encryption schemes.
The research begins with developing novel algorithms for data hiding. Data hiding techniques can be classified into two categories, namely, reversible data hiding schemes and irreversible data hiding schemes. For irreversible data hiding schemes, only secret data can be extracted, while restoration of cover images is unavailable. Conversely, reversible data hiding schemes can extract the secret data and recover the original cover images in the decoder.
First we proposed a new data hiding scheme based on the search-order coding compression method of VQ indices to increase embedding capacity. The scheme uses SOC coding algorithm to split all of the VQ indices in the index table into SOC indices and original vector quantization code indices. The scheme can embed more than one bit of secret data to each SOC indices so that the payload capacity of embedded secret data increases. Next, instead of using one VQ index as indicator, the second proposed scheme uses only one bit to distinguish between indices of two clusters. Not only the indices in the first cluster but also those in the second and third clusters can hide the secret bits. The schemes reduce the bit rate (BR) and increase the hiding capacity.
In addition to developing data hiding algorithms, we also develop the techniques of visual cryptography. In 2006, Fang and Lin proposed a progressive visual secret sharing scheme. Unfortunately, their performance would reveal the information about the secret image on each share and result in serious security problem that each share can obviously reveal information of the secret image. We propose a new secure progressive visual secret sharing method by redesigning basis matrices to satisfy both contrast and security conditions.
Moreover, in conventional -threshold VSS, each share has the identical capability to restore the secret image. However, participants might have different levels of duty in the real world. From the viewpoint of the management, we would consider each participant may has a unique priority, and design the corresponding share with different weight in response to his/her significance in the decoding phase. A weighted threshold visual cryptography without pixel expansion is proposed to achieve the goal of assigning a different weight to the share of each participant in a different priority class. In addition, the proposed method also provides a progressive mechanism to share images at multiple resolutions.
All the proposed methods described in this dissertation have been extensively evaluated by experimental examinations and theoretical analyses. The evaluation results show that our methods are practical and superior to other previous methods.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 vi
Contents vii
Lists of Figures x
Lists of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview and Motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives and Contributions 11
1.3 Dissertation Organization 14
Chapter 2 Related Works 16
2.1 VQ Compression 16
2.2 Search-Order Coding (SOC) 17
2.3 Naor and Shamir’s Visual Cryptography 20
2.4 Yang’s Probabilistic Visual Secret Sharing Scheme (ProbVSS) 22
Part I : Design and Analysis of Reversible Data Hiding Algorithms Based on VQ Compressed Domain 25
Chapter 3 A High-Capacity Data Hiding Scheme by VQ Index with Searching-Order Code 26
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 Preliminaries 27
3.2.1 Review of Chang et al.’s scheme 27
3.2.2 Further analysis of Chang et al.’s scheme 30
3.3 The proposed method 32
3.4 Experimental Results 35
3.5 Summary 38
Chapter 4 Reversible Data Hiding with High Payload Based on Referred Frequency for VQ Compressed Codes Index 39
4.1 Introduction 39
4.2 The proposed Method 41
4.2.1 Initial phase 42
4.2.1 Embedding phase 43
4.2.3 Extracting and reversion phase 46
4.3 Experimental results and discussions 48
4.3.1 Experimental results 48
4.3.2 Discussions 49
4.4 Summary 50
Part II: Design and Analysis of Visual Secret Sharing Schemes 57
Chapter 5 Secure Progressive Visual Secret Sharing 58
5.1 Introduction 58
5.2 Review of Fang and Lin’s Scheme 58
5.2.1 Method 59
5.2.2 Analysis 60
5.3 The proposed method 63
5.3.1 Matrices design 63
5.3.2 Algorithm 65
5.4 Experimental Result 66
5.5 Discussion 67
5.6 Summary 68
Chapter 6 A Weighted -Threshold Visual Cryptography Without Pixel Expansion 70
6.1 Introduction 70
6.2 The Proposed Method 73
6.2.1 Preliminary 73
6.2.2 A weighted - threshold VSS scheme without pixel expansion 76
6.2.3 A weighted -threshold VSS scheme without pixel expansion 78
6.3 Experimental Results 81
6.4 Discussion 88
6.5 Summary 89
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 91
7.1 Conclusions 91
7.2 Future works 93
References 94
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