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研究生(外文):Wen-Yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design of Supporting Beams for Five-Axis Part Machining
指導教授(外文):Ching-an Lin
口試委員(外文):Ching-an Lin
外文關鍵詞:Supporting beamFive-axis machiningCAD/CAM
  • 被引用被引用:3
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With continual improvements in the levels of machining and manufacturing industries, product design is becoming increasingly complex. However, when complex parts are subjected to milling, the problem of difficult design of a fixture leads to increased machining difficulty. Thus, it is worth exploring further how to machine parts that are difficult to fixed on the work table of a machine tool.
In this thesis, we proposed a set of design tips for supporting beams, which can help machine the parts that are difficult to fix without the precondition of using a special fixture. We conducted in-depth discussions on the design of the supporting beam, and elaborated on the relevant rules including the design of the supporting beam and the supporting wall, the procedure of machining while using the supporting beam, and the removal of the supporting beam.
This study not only proposed the basic rules of designing the supporting beam, but a five-axis machine tool was also used in together with the supporting beam to machine a slider which is one of the mold components of a sport helmet. The machined slider was assembled in coordination with the mold cavity and subjected to CMM measurement. The results showed that the precision of the parts processed using the supporting beam were very good, thus confirming the feasibility and practicality of the proposed method in this thesis.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2研究目的與方法 6
1.3文獻探討 7
1.4論文架構 9
第二章 支撐腳之設計 11
2.1選擇雙面加工的正面與反面 11
2.2設計支撐腳之位置 13
2.2.1對稱設置 13
2.2.2設立在懸臂處 14
2.2.3設立在最凸出處 16
2.2.4設立在曲率較小處 18
2.3設計支撐腳之數量 20
2.3.1數量要為偶數 20
2.3.2數量要隨零件長度增多 21
2.4支撐腳截面形狀 27
2.4.1選擇簡單形狀 28
2.4.2適用於有邊界線的零件 31
2.4.3適用於無邊界線的零件 33
2.5支撐腳之截面尺寸 34
2.6支撐腳之長度 35
2.7支撐壁之設計 38
2.7.1支撐壁高度 38
2.7.2支撐壁之干涉情形 38
2.7.3利用支撐壁作校正 40
第三章 運用支撐腳之加工 41
3.1設置加工深度限制面 41
3.2胚料之尺寸公差 42
3.3標準作業流程 43
第四章 支撐腳移除法則 45
4.1繪製素材支撐腳 45
4.2設定忽略面 48
4.3建立邊界 49
4.4分層移除 51
4.5規劃刀具軸向 52
4.6產生刀具路徑 59
4.7進行實體切削模擬 60
第五章 實例驗證 62
5.1實驗設備 62
5.2單車頭盔模具介紹 63
5.3進行頭盔模具支撐腳之設計 64
5.4將母模與左滑塊預留間隙 65
5.5內外圓角干涉問題 66
5.6加工之結果 67
5.6.1左滑塊之胚料尺寸 67
5.6.2左滑塊加工之結果 67
5.6.3將左滑塊進行後製程 70
5.6.4母模之胚料尺寸 72
5.6.5母模加工之結果 73
5.7母模與左滑塊配合情形 74
5.8母模之量測 75
5.8.1量測設備介紹 75
5.8.2量測與分析結果 76
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 84
6.1結論 84
6.2未來研究方向 85
參考文獻 87
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