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研究生(外文):Ngoc Minh Nguyen
論文名稱:The Relationship among Quality of Training, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Five-Star Hotels in Hanoi, Vietnam
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship among Quality of Training, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Five-Star Hotels in Hanoi, Vietnam
指導教授(外文):Grace Chien
外文關鍵詞:trainingjob satisfactionorganizational commitmenthotel industryfive-star hotelVietnam
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Hotel industry is nowadays one of the world’s fastest growing industries and has been fundamental contributors to the recovery of global economy. Human resource has become a key factor for the success of any organization, especially in hotel industry. To help shed the light about the relationship among Quality of Training, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, this study studied these factors in context of Vietnamese hotel industry. This study utilized quantitative method with full-scale survey targeted to 360 employees from 12 five-star hotels located in Hanoi, Vietnam. As a result, 301 copies of questionnaire were collected back and then the data were analyzed by SPSS, through several stages such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, independent sample t-test and One-way ANOVA analysis. This study has shown that 100% of five-star hotels in Hanoi, Vietnam have training programs and demonstrated the positive relationships among Quality of Training, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment as well as the mediating effect of Job Satisfaction on the relationship between Quality of Training and Organizational Commitment. In addition, this study has shown that Male employees have higher level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment than Female. Also, employees in the range of 40-49 years old and employees who have low level of Education Background are likely to be more satisfied and committed toward organization. Based on that, this study came up with some suggestions in business, society and in research.

Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
List of Tables vi
List of Figures viii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Research Objectives 4
1.4 Research Significance 4
1.5 Research Procedure 5
2.1 Hotel Industry 7
2.2 Training in Hotel Industry 8
2.2.1 The Theories of Training 8
2.2.2 Types of Training 10
2.2.3 Training in Vietnam 11
2.3 Job Satisfaction 12
2.4 Organizational Commitment 13
2.5 The Relationship among Quality of Training, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction 14
2.5.1 The Relationship between Quality of Training and Organizational Commitment 14
2.5.2 The Relationship between Quality of Training and Job Satisfaction 16
2.5.3 The Relationship between Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction 17
3.1 Research Design 19
3.2 Research Framework 19
3.3 Population and Sample Selection 21
3.4 Design of Instrument 22
3.5 Data Collection 23
3.5.1 Pilot Study 23
3.5.2 Field Study 25
3.6 Data Analysis 25
3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis 25
3.6.2 Reliability and Validity Analysis 26
3.6.3 Regression and Correlation Analysis 26
3.6.4 Independent Sample t-test Analysis 27
3.6.5 One-way ANOVA Analysis 28
4.1 Descriptive Analysis 29
4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis of Participant’s Information 29
4.1.2 Descriptive Analysis of Current Training Conditions 31
4.2 Reliability and Validity Analysis 34
4.2.1 Reliability Analysis 34
4.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis 34
4.3 Correlation and Regression Analysis 39
4.3.1 Correlation among Quality of Training, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment 39
4.3.2 Regression Analyses and Hypotheses Testing 40
4.4 Independent Sample t-test 46
4.4.1 The difference between Male and Female in Organizational Commitment 46
4.4.2 The difference between Male and Female in Job Satisfaction 47
4.5 One-way ANOVA Analysis 48
4.5.1 The difference in Organizational Commitment among different groups of Age and Education Background 48
4.5.2 The difference in Job Satisfaction among different groups of Age and Education levels 49
5.1 Conclusions 52
5.2 Implications 53
5.3 Research Limitations 54
5.4 Suggestions 55
Appendix A 64
Appendix B 65
Appendix C 66
Appendix D 71
Appendix E 76

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