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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Effects on the Implementation of Mentoring Training Project from the Ministry of Labor.
外文關鍵詞:Workforce Development AgencyMentoring Training ProjectMentoring systemthe effectiveness of training transfer
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Mentoring Training Project was started from October 2013 and ended in December 2015. When the project is entering the third stage, meanwhile,people has both positive and negative views to the relevant project management practices, training grants, training mode, the program effectiveness on contribution to our country, etc.
In this study, we used qualitative research method, through literature review to decide the interview subject. For the problem of the relevance Mentoring Training Projectand the effectiveness of training transfer and the implementation, we use semi-structured in-depth interviews to integrate the view of government units, implementation units, employment service centers, masters and apprentices, and based on the interviews to find out four levels were associated with the effectiveness of implementation of the dimension-related issues. The four levels are "the overall mechanism construct," "the implementation level", "the after-training level", and "the management level".
In the construction of the overall mechanism, we found that Mentoring Training Projectin the classify of occupation, the filtering mechanisms of mentoring, the definition of training grants benefits, and the annual KPI of goal setting can still improve; in the implementation level, we found that personal characteristics and behavior norms of apprentices would affect the masters’ motivation of teaching, and the master's role models would also directly affect the apprentices’ motivation to learn and emulate; in after-training level, we found that the government did not implement a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of training transfer; and in the management level, it was found the executed commissioners’ workload beyond the grave and the difficulties of mentoring visits. As mentioned above, we suggest to re-examine the occupational categories, establish the masters’ expert meeting of occupational categories, strengthen the electronic system of Mentoring Training Project, reset the standard of annual KPI, and implement the investigation of the effectiveness of training transfer. By this way, to value of the project can be seen specifically.

摘要............................................. i
英文摘要......................................... ii
目 錄................................ .......... v
表 目 錄........................................ vii
圖 目 錄 ....................................... viii
第一章 緒論 ..................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 .............................1
第二節 研究目的 ................................. 5
第三節 研究範圍與限制 ............................ 6
第四節 名詞釋義 ................................. 7
第二章 文獻探討 ..................................8
第一節 師徒制 ................................... 8
第二節 訓練遷移成效 ..............................20
第三節 明師高徒計畫 ............................. 31
第三章 研究方法與設計 ........................... 45
第一節 研究流程 ................................ 45
第二節 研究架構 ................................ 47
第三節 研究方法 ................................ 49
第四節 研究資料蒐集方法 ..........................62
第五節 深度訪談分析 ............................. 65
第四章 明師高徒計畫施行成效分析 ...................67
第一節 整體機制建構之問題 ........................67
第二節 執行層面問題 ............................. 92
第三節 訓後層面問題 . .......................... 115
第四節 管理層面問題 ............................ 120
第五章 結論與建議 ...............................131
第一節 研究發現 ................................ 131
第二節 研究建議 ................................ 142
第三節 後續研究建議 . .......................... 149
附錄一 訪談同意書 ........ ..................... 159
附錄二 勞動部力發展署資料索取之回函 ...............160
附錄三 訪談逐字搞 .. ........................... 161
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