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研究生(外文):Ma, Jie Yao
論文名稱(外文):On The Way to Becoming Experts- SSU Student Journalists’ Self-Directed Learning
指導教授(外文):Shih, Tsung Jen
外文關鍵詞:SDLSSUsports journalistsports journalist cultivationnovice vs. expert
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Studies have shown a discrepancy between what journalism education provides and what the industry desires. The root of this problem lies in the absence of providing procedural knowledge to students in classrooms. To provide a solution to this issue, this study examined the Self-Directed Learning (SDL) interactive model adopted by the Student Sports Union. Employing a semi-structured in-depth interview, this study examined the process through which eight journalists in the Student Sports Union (SSU) became experts. The results show that the SSU journalists’ SDL model promotes theoretical knowledge, hands-on experience, and an applied skill set for journalism, which are useful for transforming student journalists from novice to expert.

1. Introduction 8
2. Literature Review 12
2.1 Student Sports Union (SSU) 12
2.2 Self-Directed Learning 13
2.3 From Novice to Expert 19
2.4 Sports Journalist 22
3. Research Method 26
3.1 Semi-structured interview 26
3.2 Interview Questions 27
3.3 Sample size 28
4. Research Findings 29
4.1 Background of Interviewees 29
4.2 SSU’s SDL 32
4.3 SSU’s Interpersonal Relationship -37
4.4 SSU members’ SDL Activities 42
4.5 SSU members’ SDL Knowledge 47
4.6 SDL Influential Factors 51
5. Discussion 56
5.1 The formation of SSU’s SDL 57
5.2 Limitations 63
6. Conclusion 65
6.1 Summary 65
6.2 Implication 66
References 69
Appendix 74

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