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研究生(外文):Iok-Peng Ng
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
中文關鍵詞:跨站請求偽造客戶端防護Chrome 擴展程式網路安全
外文關鍵詞:Cross Site Request ForgeryClient-side protectionChrome extensionNetwork security
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網路平台的崛起帶來無限商機,許多電子商務的服務(如:銀行及網路商城等等)在網路上進行金融交易,同時增加了網路入侵的威脅。因此,如何保護網路應用程式上的金融交易中的敏感資料成為一個重要的議題。跨站請求偽造(Cross Site Request Forgery,簡稱CSRF) 使得攻擊者可在不需徵得使用者的許可下進行一些破壞性的行為。一般來說,攻擊者會預先準備一個惡意網頁給已經登錄到目標漏洞網站的使用者,並吸引使用者連接這個惡意網站,同時發出一個非本人意願的偽造請求至目標漏洞網站。同時,在大多數情況下使用者不會發現自己成為CSRF的受害者。
The web service of e-business becomes more and more useful and popular nowadays. E-business service such as banks, e-shops, etc. taking financial transactions on website causes the increase of threats by the network intruders. Therefore, how to protect the sensitive data of financial transactions for web applications has become a critical issue. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) allows an attacker exploits damaging activities without user’s approval. In general, the attacker prepares a malicious web page to attract connections from the user who has been authorized by the vulnerable web application so that the user unwittingly sends out the forged requests. In most cases, the user may not know he/she has become a victim of CSRF.
Most of the current browser-based approaches to resist CSRF attack focus on applying a white list to allow/deny the requests of cross-domain. However, it is inconvenient if some valid connections fail due to their domains not being added to the white list by the user. This thesis presents a client-side protection approach of CSRF using Chrome extension. Our approach developed an extension called BR-CSRF that relies on blocking the cross-domain request suspicious of CSRF and can check the login states for the target websites.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivations 1
1.3 Contributions 2
1.4 Organization 3
Chapter 2. Related Works 5
2.1 CSRF Attacks 5
2.1.1 Reflected CSRF 5
2.1.2 Stored CSRF 6
2.1.3 Login CSRF 7
2.2 Existing Countermeasures 9
2.2.1 Server-side Countermeasures 9
2.2.2 Client-side Countermeasures 12
Chapter 3. Cross-site Request Detection and Login State Check Module Using Chrome Extension 16
3.1 Environment 16
3.2 Proposed Scheme 17
3.2.1 BR-CSRF Framework 17
3.2.2 Domain Checker 19
3.2.3 Login State Checker 19
3.2.4 Attack Detection Policy 22
3.2.5 Attack Handling Module 23
3.3 Algorithm 23
3.3.1 Domain_checker 25
3.3.2 Login_state_checker 25
3.3.3 Attack_handle_module 26
Chapter 4. Experiment And Analysis 27
4.1 Environment 27
4.2 Experiment Of Wordpress 29
4.3 Experiment Of Zeuscart 32
4.4 Analysis And Comparison 35
4.4.1 Analysis 36
4.4.2 Comparison 37
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Work 39
Reference 40
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