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研究生(外文):Chun-Wei Peng
論文名稱(外文):Design of A Composite Ceramic Motor
指導教授(外文):Yung Ting
外文關鍵詞:piezoelectric motorcomposite piezoelectric motor
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A new type of piezoelectric ceramic motor using d14+d33 to generate face-shear deformation is developed. In particular, two-way operation to provide forward and backward linear motion as well as clockwise and counterclockwise rotary motion is completely designed. Compared to d14 piezoelectric motor, the composite d14 + d33 type has a larger horizontal and vertical displacement output. Because of the polarization direction and the driving electrode of the usually seen d15 ceramic motor, large input voltage needs to apply to preserve enough electric field while attempting to increase the deformation by increasing the thickness. Different from d15, increasing height will increase deformation but with no need of applying large input voltage to maintain the electric field, and reduce the resonance frequency. Because of the above advantage, structure of d14 +d33 piezoelectric motor would be ideally built with a nearly square shape. Mode shape and harmonic analysis by using ANSYS simulation are carried out to search for ideal deformation under certain resonance frequency. Both analytical and experimental results are in a good agreement. The driving signal and motion trajectory is also investigated. Ceramics PZT-8 is used to design piezoelectric actuator. For a single piece of the built sample actuator with ±150V applied voltage, it is able to generate vertical and transverse vibration amplitude of about 1.66µm and 1.85µm respectively. The stator integrated with a linear stage (the carriage) and rotary bearings (rotor) as well as employed with an appropriate signal, the maximum linear speed and force about 44.4mm/sec and 3.52N. A rotation speed and torque is measured about 89.661rpm and 0.049Nm respectively.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2文獻回顧 4
1.3論文架構 7
第二章 剪應變型壓電馬達設計原理 8
2.1剪應變型壓電馬達之驅動來源 8
2.2 壓電致動元件介紹 9
2.3 剪應變型壓電馬達之傳動機構及傳動模式 10
2.4 定子之機械品質係數Qm與機電耦合係數kd 11
2.5 控制模式 12
第三章 剪應變型壓電馬達設計分析 14
3.1剪應變型壓電馬達系統之結構 14
3.2剪應變型壓電馬達之設計 15
3.2.1 剪向壓電陶瓷致動器與d14形式之壓電致動元件. 15
3.2.2 d14形式壓電元件與運動原理 17
3.2.3 d14形式壓電元件與d15形式壓電元件不同之處 21
3.2.4 d15與d14形變方式 22
3.3 雙向複合式剪應變型壓電馬達之設計 23
3.3.1壓電元件以矩形設計 23
3.3.2壓電元件以方型設計 23
3.3.3 d14+d33馬達之設計 24
3.3.4向剪應變型壓電致動器極化 27
3.3.5 PFM量測d33與d14 Boundary 29
3.4篩選的模態(Extracted number of modes 31
3.4.1剪應變型馬達之定子模擬分析 34
3.4.2共振模態分析 34
3.5 d14+d33複合式剪應變型壓電馬達定子之質點軌跡 43
第四章 實驗結果與討論 45
4.1剪應變型壓電馬達定子之量測 45
4.1.1 剪應變型壓電馬達定子之推力量測 47
4.1.2 剪應變型壓電馬達定子之振幅量測 49
4.1.3 複合式型壓電馬達解析度(resolation) 52
4.2剪應變型壓電馬達旋轉平台實驗 53

4.2.1應變型壓電馬達旋轉平台轉速實驗 54
4.3剪應變型壓電馬達旋轉平台動態扭力轉速實驗 56
4.3.馬達效率 58
4.4剪應變型壓電馬達線性平台系統實驗 59
4.4.1剪應變型壓電馬達線性平台系統推力實驗 61
第五章 結論與未來展望 63
5.1 結論 63
5.2 未來展望 65
參考文獻 66

圖2.1 d14形變方式示意圖……………………………………………..…………..8圖3.1雙向剪應變型壓電馬達之結構…………………………………………...…15
圖3.2 傳統剪向d15壓電致動元件製作示意圖…………….……………..………16
圖3.3 d14形式剪向壓電致動元件製作示意圖……………………...…………….17
圖3.4 d14壓電陶瓷體極化軸與各軸向定義..………………...……......…..……...17
圖3.5 平面切變之壓電效應…….……………….……..…………....….………….18
圖3.6 d14壓電元件全波共振形變……………………….………….……………..19
圖3.7 d14壓電元件半波共振形變……………………….………….……………..19
圖3.8 d15壓電陶瓷體極化軸與各軸向定義……………………..………………..20
圖3.9 d14壓電陶瓷體極化軸與各軸向定義…………………………………........21
圖3.10 d15壓電馬達推動平台式意圖…….............................................................22
圖3.11 d14壓電馬達推動平台式意圖…..………..…….........................................22
圖3.15 d14+d33雙向致動馬達作動………......…..………………….………... ....27
圖3.16 d14極化的電極進行極化圖…………………..……………..…………….28
圖3.17 d14極化後再進行d33極化,斜線部分為d33電...................... ..................28
圖3.20 d14與d33用PFM測量之邊界..…………………….......……...................30
圖3.21 d33與d14尺寸與頻率關係圖.....................................................................31
圖3.22 d33與d14尺寸與頻率關係圖 ....................................................................32
圖3.23 d14與d33不同長度尺寸下的剪向與縱向位移輸出圖............................33
圖3.26 剪應變型馬達定子之參考節點...................................................................39
圖3.34 d33+d14壓電馬達推動平台運動橢圓軌跡..............................................44
圖4.6雷射振動量測系統(Polytec OFV-5000)量測圖............................................50
圖4.10 旋轉平台架設示意圖...................................................................................53
圖4.11 剪應變型馬達旋轉系統轉速實驗實體圖...................................................54
圖4.12 不同驅動電壓下馬達輸出轉速…………….……...……..........................55
圖4.13 不同轉速下輸出動態扭力……………………..…..…...............................57
圖4.14 不同電壓下轉速與扭力值...…………….....….………..............................57
圖4.16 壓電馬達線性平台架設圖….………….……….……................................59
圖4.17 剪應變型壓電馬達速度實驗架構圖….………….…………….................60
圖4.18 不同驅動電壓下平台之輸出….………….….…………............................60
圖5.1 為不加裝輸出頭用Ansys分析有質點橢圓運動圖....................................65

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