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研究生(外文):Kun-Che Li
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chao Huang
外文關鍵詞:Dip-slopePFC3DScale effectAngle of bedding planeDeformationCharacteristic of accumulation
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本研究藉由離散元素法(discrete element method)模擬不同型態及尺度順向坡在不同水位條件下之滑動過程與堆積行為分析其破壞模式,亦將探討岩層中水的浮力對於模擬的影響。其數值模型建置參考曾煒傑(2015)及林育槿(2016)之離心機物理試驗模型。
Dip slope sliding is the most occurrence of slope disaster in Taiwan and the geology of Taiwan mostly consists of sedimentary rocks like sandstone and shale, both are very weak rocks. In recent years, the rainfall intensity enhancement and the influence time lengthened, had the severe influence on the geology of Taiwan. For instance, water easily seeps through aperture of rocks and reduces rock strength, or increases the pore water pressure thus decrease the shear resistance of soil. Due to above reasons, slope easily to produce slide and mudslide.
In this study, the discrete element method is used to simulate the sliding process and the deposition behavior of different types and scale slopes under different water level conditions, and discusses the effect of floating in numerical simulation. The numerical model is based on the centrifuge physical test model of Zeng, W. J. (2015) and Lin, Y. J. (2016)’s thesis.
The numerical models are carried out to modify the code of the weakening zone, and the results are compared with the physical test results. The aim is to integrate the parameters used by the three numerical models, including the dry friction coefficient and the wet friction coefficient which is reduced by water’s influence. After number of test, we decided to adopt the value of dry friction coefficient is 0.7 and the wet friction coefficient is 0.3, and using the discrete element method to simulate at different gravity. The analysis items include the sliding process of the slope, the stacking result, the displacement of each particle and the velocity of particle.
In this study, the sliding failure mode of the dip slope will be different according to the rock structure. The dip slpoe which is interbed layer and the angle of layer is 30 degrees is "remove the toe of slope sliding mode". The dip slpoe which is interbed layer and the angle of layer is 60 degrees is "slope bulging sliding mode". The dip slpoe which layer is alteration and the angle of layer is 60 degrees is "rock fall mode".
It is hoped that the simulation results of this study will provide to the disaster prevention center to reduce the disaster caused by sliding slop.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xxii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3簡述各章內容 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1沉積岩 5
2.2順向坡 5
2.3台灣過去順向坡滑動案例 6
2.3.1草嶺順向坡山崩 6
2.3.2中山高速公路八堵交流道 7
2.3.3汐止林肯大郡社區順向坡滑動 8
2.3.4南投九份二山山崩 8
2.3.5小林村獻肚山山崩 9
2.3.6國道3號七堵段3.1公里處順向坡滑動 10
2.3.7台灣重大順向坡滑動災害歷史 10
2.4 順向坡滑動因素及行為 11
2.4.1順向坡滑動影響因子 11
2.4.2順向坡滑動破壞模式 12
2.4.3層間剪裂帶對順向斜坡上的岩體破壞機制 13
2.4.4板岩邊坡的變形 15
2.5 PFC3D理論背景介紹 16
2.5.1 PFC3D軟體介紹 16
2.5.2 PFC3D基本假設 17
2.5.3 PFC3D運算原理 17
2.5.4接觸組成模式 20
2.6 數值模擬分析案例 25
2.6.1草嶺順向坡山崩 25
2.6.2小林村獻肚山山崩事件 27
2.6.3 國道3號七堵段3.1公里處順向坡滑動 29
2.6.4 蘇花公路115.9k邊坡滑動 31
2.7離散元素法模擬物理模型試驗 36
2.7.1 以分離元素法與離心模型模擬在不同尺度下順向坡滑動行為 37
2.7.2 以分離元素法與離心模型試驗探討順向坡滑動行為 41
第三章 研究方法 52
3.1離散元素模型 52
3.1.1 數值模型單位設定 52
3.1.2 數值模型試驗設定 53
3.2數值模型改善內容及方法 56
3.2.1泡水弱化方法 56
3.2.2數值模型改善範圍 58
3.2.3參數調整與設定 60
3.2.4各模型考慮浮力影響之最終參數 68
3.2.5數值模擬方法 71
第四章 不同型態順向坡數值模擬結果 72
4.1模擬時間轉換原型時間方法及堆積行為參數定義 73
4.2不同型態順向坡在不同條件下模擬結果 77
4.2.1正常水位條件之滑動過程與堆積結果 77
4.2.2高水位條件之滑動過程與堆積結果 101
4.3不同型態順向坡的模擬結果比較與破壞變形模式 123
4.3.1不同型態順向坡模擬結果 123
4.3.2不同型態順向坡模擬結果比較 130
第五章 浮力對模型的影響 137
5.1不同類型順向坡在不考慮浮力影響之模擬結果 137
5.1.1不考慮浮力影響之模擬結果 138
5.1.2探討浮力對不同型態順向坡堆積結果的影響 155
第六章 結論 159
建議 161
參考文獻 162
附錄 164
問題與討論 164
附1 各模型修正前後結果比較 166
附2 不同型態順向坡數值模擬結果 168
附2.1正常水位條件之滑動過程與堆積結果 168
附2.2 高水位條件之滑動過程與堆積結果 195
附3浮力對不同型態順向坡的影響 223
附3.1正常水位條件之滑動過程 223
附3.2高水位條件之滑動過程 249
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