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研究生(外文):Sheng-Yen Lin
論文名稱(外文):Mechanistic Study of Shikonin-induced Autophagy versus Necroptosis on Tumor Immunogenicity and Its Application for DC-based Cancer Vaccine
指導教授(外文):Ning-Sun Yang
口試委員(外文):Wen-Chin YangYu-Liang YangYi-Tsau HuangMon-Hsun Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Dendritic cell based cancer vaccineNecroptosisAutophagyShikoninTumor immunogenicity
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節序性壞死(Necroptosis)一直以來被認為是藉由細胞所釋放損傷組織的相關分子圖譜(danger associated molecular patterns, DAMP)而引發高度免疫原性。在過去的各種研究中,節序性壞死的細胞中又經常發現它們伴隨著具高度自噬之作用,然而,此一增強的自噬作用對於節序性壞死中所產生之高度免疫原性作用中的可能作用在很大程度上卻仍然是我們尚未詳知的。在我的此一研究中,我們研究了植化物紫草素所誘導之自噬作用和紫草素誘導之節序性壞死所造成的腫瘤免疫原性之間可能的互動機制及其相關性。我們的結果顯示紫草素可以引發receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1)和receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3)之活性,進而造成節序性壞死,並且紫草素在相同濃度及處理時間下也增強了細胞內自噬作用。而我們結果亦顯示紫草素誘導的自噬作用可以促進節序性壞死細胞表面上之損傷相關分子圖譜的轉位(translocation)。有趣的是,在我們也發現中,只有紫草素誘導的節序性壞死細胞表面上之損傷相關分子圖譜能夠激活共同培養的樹突細胞(dendritic cells, DCs),而此活性並非由已釋放的損傷相關分子圖譜所造成。而當我們使用氯喹(chloroquine)來中斷了紫草素誘導的自噬作用之降解步驟時,紫草素誘導的表面上之DAMP可更進一步被用以增強以及更可激活樹突細胞活性的活化。對於潛在的臨床應用,我們初步結果發現,使用已經過氯喹和紫草素一起預先處理之腫瘤細胞製備的樹突細胞癌症疫苗製劑可以更有效地減少4T1小鼠乳癌腫瘤的轉移,並可更進一步降低阿黴素(doxorubicin)化療的有效治療劑量,因此透過紫草素和氯喹之共同處理的腫瘤細胞可望獲得更為增強的免疫原性以及抗癌疫苗效力,此舉也可提供未來使用組合藥物治療開發癌症疫苗的可能更有效治療之策略。
Programmed necrosis, necroptosis, is considered to be a highly immunogenic activity, often mediated via the release of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Interestingly, enhanced autophagic activity is often found to be accompanied by necroptosis. However, the possible role of autophagy in the immunogenicity of necroptotic death remains largely obscure. In this study, we investigated the possible mechanistic correlation between phytochemical shikonin-induced autophagy and the shikonin-induced necroptosis for tumor immunogenicity. We show that shikonin could instigate receptor-interacting protein (RIPK)1- and RIPK3-dependent necroptosis that is accompanied by enhanced autophagy. Shikonin-induced autophagy could directly contribute to DAMP upregulation. Counterintuitively, among the released and ecto-DAMPs, only the latter were shown to be able to activate the co-cultured dendritic cells (DCs). Interruption of autophagic flux via chloroquine further upregulated ecto-DAMP activity and resultant DC activation. For potential clinical application, DC vaccine preparations treated with tumor cells that were already pre-treated with chloroquine and shikonin further enhanced the anti-metastatic activity of 4T1 tumors and reduced the effective dosage of doxorubicin. The enhanced immunogenicity and vaccine efficacy obtained via shikonin and chloroquine co-treatment of tumor cells may thus constitute a compelling strategy for developing cancer vaccines via the use of a combinational drug treatment.
Chapter 1. Introduction………………………….……………………………..1
1.1 Multiple functions of shikonin in pathological conditions…………..…1
1.2 Shikonin-induced cell death…………………………………………....3
1.3 Immunogenic cell death……………………...……………..…….……4
1.4 Necroptosis……………………………………...………………...……5
1.5 Immunogenicity in necroptosis…………………………………….....6
1.6 Functionality of autophagy………………….………………….…….7
1.7 Autophagy and cell death……………………………...……………….8
1.8 Dendritic cell based cancer vaccine………………….……………….10
Chapter 2. Specific aims and significance of this study……....….………..…12
Chapter 3. Materials & Methods………………………...…..…………….13
3.1 Cell lines……………………………………….…………………....13
3.2 Mice………………………………………………………………....13
3.3 Cell viability assay………………………………………………….13
3.4 Cell lysate preparation …………………...………………….…….….14
3.5 Western blotting……………………………...………………..…..….14
3.6 Knockdown experiment ………………………………..………….…15
3.7 Immunoprecipitation…………………….……………….………..….16
3.8 Detection of DAMP ecto-localization ……………………...……..….16
3.9 BM-DC preparation …………………………………………...…..….16
3.10 Assay for DC activation…………………………………..…….…….17
3.11 ELISA……………………………………………………………….18
3.12 Proteasome activity assay……………………...……………..……….18
3.13 Intracellular ROS level and measurement of mitochondria membrane potential……………………………………………….……………....19
3.14 Flow cytometry…………………………..…………………….……..19
3.15 Confocal microscopy………………….…………...………………….19
3.16 Construction of mpRFP-EGFP-LC3…………………...……………20
3.17 Transfection and stable pool generation…………..…………………..20
3.18 Construction of RIPK1 knockout cell line……………………………21
3.19 Animal model……………………………………....………….……21
3.20 Statistical analysis………………………..…….……………………..22
Chapter 4. Result……………………………………..…..……….…………23
4.1 Shikonin induced necroptosis in 4T1-luc2 tumor cells…………....…23
4.2 SK-treated 4T1-luc2 cells effectively immunized mice against primary tumors…………………………………………………..………..……25
4.3 SK-induced DAMP release and DAMP ecto-localization by 4T1-luc2 cells………………………………………………………...……….…27
4.4 Immunogenicity of SK-induced 4T1-luc2 ICD is in a cell-to-cell interaction dependent manner…………………………………….....28
4.5 SK-DC vaccine is effective in preventing metastasis………………30
4.6 SK Induced Autophagy in 4T1-luc2 cells………………..………...…32
4.7 SK-induced DAMP ecto-localization is closely associated with the enhanced autophagic activity……………………………..………..…33
4.8 SK + CQ benefited DC vaccine…………………………………......36
Chapter 5. Discussion…………………………...…...……………………39
Chapter 6. Conclusions……………………………….………………………48
Chapter 7. References………………………………………………………...49
Chapter 8. Table……………………………………………….…………….69
Chapter 9. Figures………………………………………..………………….72

Table of contents
Table 1. Abbreviation…………………………..………………………………56

Figure of contents
Figure 1. Chemical structure of shikonin……………….………………..…….73
Figure 2. Schematic of molecule mechanism for necroptosis………...…...... 74
Figure 3. Schematic of autophagy pathways……………………………....….75
Figure 4. The effect of SK on cell viability………………………………..…76
Figure 5. Effect of SK on enzyme markers for apoptosis.…..…………...…77
Figure 6. Effect of SK on activation of caspase 8 and PARP-1 expression…78
Figure 7. Effect of NEC-1, GSK’872, zVAD-fmk, and 3-MA on SK-induced cell death and TCZ (TNF+cycloheximide+zVAD-fmk)-induced necroptosis…..… 79
Figure 8. Efficacy of specific siRNAs for ATG5, BCN1, RIPK1, and RIPK3 in 4T1-luc2 tumor cells……………………………………………………………80
Figure 9. Effect of knocking down siATG5, siBECN1, siRIPK1, and siRIPK3 expression on SK-mediated cytotoxicity and TCZ-induced necroptosis………….…………………………………………………………81
Figure 10. Effect of SK on phosphorylation of MLKL in 4T1 tumor cells..…82
Figure 1 1. Subcellular morphology of SK-treated cells……......…………83
Figure 1 2. SK-treated 4T1-luc2 cells effectively immunized mice against primary tumors……..................................................................…………..……84
Figure 1 3. Immunization with SK-treated 4T1-luc2 cells did not prevent tumor metastasis……................................................................…………85
Figure 1 4. Effect of SK on the release of test DAMPs and LDHA from tumor cells…….........................................................................…………86
Figure 1 5. Imaging of DAMP ecto-localization in SK-treated cells................87
Figure 1 6. Time course and dosage effect of SK on 4T1 cells...………………88
Figure 1 7. Effect of SK on the release of test DAMPs from test tumor cells.…89
Figure 1 8. The dosage-dependent effect of SK on the ecto-localization of HSP70/90 and CRT………………………………………………….…………90
Figure 1 9. The effect of ecto-DAMPs versus the release of DAMPs on DC activation…………………………………………………………..…………91
Figure 20. Antibody blocking of ecto-DAMP expressions in SK-treated tumor cells suppressed DC activation……………...…………………………………93
Figure 21. The effect of SK-treated cells on expression of specific pro-inflammatory cytokines in DCs……………...…………….………………94
Figure 22. Effect of blocking ecto-DAMP expression via neutralizing antibodies on reducing SK-DC vaccine efficacy on tumor metastasis………………….…95
Figure 23. SK-DC vaccine is effective in preventing metastasis………….…97
Figure 24. Combination of SK-DC vaccine and doxorubicin is effective in preventing metastasis……………………………………………………....…98
Figure 25. Effect of SK on the expression of autophagy-related proteins in test cells………………………………………………...................................…99
Figure 26. Effect of SK on LC3 expression at the subcellular level………...100
Figure 27. Effect of SK on autophagic flux as visualized through the expression of mRFP-LC3-GFP……………………………………………...………….101
Figure 28. Subcellular morphology of SK-induced autophagy in test cells………………………………………………………..………….………102
Figure 29. Effect of knocking down ATG5, BECN1, RIPK1 and RIPK3 expression on SK-mediated DAMPs ecto-localization……………...….…….103
Figure 30. Effect of DAMP expression in immunoprecipitation of autophagosome through mRFP-GFP-LC3………………………..………..…104
Figure 31. The effect of CQ on SK-mediated DAMP ecto-localizations……..105
Figure 32. Deficient activities of autophagy and necroptosis hindered the efficacy of SK-treated tumor cells on DC activation………...……………….106
Figure 33. Effect of combinational treatment of SK and CQ in 4T1 tumor cells on the expression of CD40 and TLR4 on DCs………...…………………….107
Figure 34. Effect of SK on ROS generation in treated cells………………108
Figure 35. Effect of SK on expression of ubiquitinated proteins and 20S proteasome activities in test cells……………………………..............………109
Figure 36. The effect of ROS inhibition by NAC on SK-mediated cell death..110
Figure 37. Effect of SK on subcellular localization of ubiquinated proteins and p62 proteins, visualized by confocal microscopy…………………....………..111
Figure 38. Effect of NAC on SK-mediated ecto-DAMP expression, as determined by flow cytometric analysis……………………………...……….112
Figure 39. Effect of SK+CQ-treated tumor cells on phagocytosis function of DCs……………………………………………………………………………113
Figure 40. The effect of autophagy- and necroptosis-deficiency in SK-treated tumor cells on activation of DCs for vaccine efficacy……………………...114
Figure 41. SK + CQ treatment benefited DC vaccine………………………..116
Figure 42. Effect of SK + CQ-DC vaccine on body weight of test mice…….117
Figure 43. Expression of specific inflammatory cytokines in SK-treated 4T1-luc2 cells………………………………………………………………..118
Figure 44. Effect of SK on the expression of phosphorylated NF-kB………..119
Figure 45. Hypothetical model depicting key molecular mechanisms of autophagy-related ectoDAMP expression in SK mediated necroptosis in our test tumor cell system……………………………………………………………...120

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