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研究生(外文):Victoriano Joseph Pascual
論文名稱(外文):Sustainable Irrigation Management for Paddy Rice in Tropical Climate Conditions
指導教授(外文):Yu-Min Wang
口試委員(外文):Chun-E KanSheng-Feng KuoYu-Chuan ChangWen-Guey ChungYu-Min Wang
外文關鍵詞:System of Rice IntensificationAlternate Wetting and Dryingintermittent irrigationwater use efficiencyclimate changericecontrolled drainage
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第三項研究亦針對於SRI的管理,但是是在旱季期間進行,因為在旱季SRI對水稻適應力,生長和節水的知識仍然有限。實驗設計為完全隨機區集設計,包括四次重複試驗和兩個水稻品種台南11號(TN11)和台東30號(TD30)。灌溉方案評估包含(a)連續淹灌(CF)以(TN11CF和TD30CF)表示,(b)間歇灌溉,3天的間隔(TN113和TD303)和(c)間歇灌溉,7天的間隔(TN117和TD307)。在間歇灌溉方案中移植後的前5天應用3-6cm的池水深度,然後連續灌溉3和7天的間隔,直到收成的前一週。在CF模式下,在移植相同的持續時間後,立即採用4-7cm水深。實驗結果表明:在AWDI條件下,T5cm雨水的生產率最高(2.07kg / m3),T2cm最低(1.62kg / m3);在T2cm達到最高的總生產率(0.75kg / m3)和灌溉水生產率(1.40kg / m3);在T4cm,T3cm和T2cm中節約的總水量分別為20%,40%和60%。從移植至抽穗,每週水深控制在T4cm水深,與T5cm相比,最低產量減少(1.57%)和穀物生產損失(0.06kg),對產量損失沒有顯著影響。實驗二的結果表明,抽穗開始後,水分的減少對T2cm和T4cm的植株高度及T2cm的穀粒產量顯著影響。T4cm中最低顆粒減少產(4.92%)和顆粒產量損失(0.09kg);T2cm中產生最高的總生產率(0.52kg /m 3)和灌溉水生產率(1.88kg / m 3),其次為T4cm的總生產率(0.44kg /m 3)和灌溉水生產率(1.14kg / m 3)。在產量和節約灌溉水方面,在4厘米深度排放過量的降雨並提供相同量的灌溉用水,在SRI管理下提供了最好的結果。實驗三的結果表明,與連續淹灌方式相比,3天和7天的間歇灌溉間隔所節省的用水55%和74%,總水分生產率以7天間歇灌溉為最大,產量為0.35kg grain / m3(TN117)和0.46kg grain / m3(TD307)。與TN11F相比,TN113和TN117的平均穗量減少166%和196%,與TD30F相比,TD303(150%)和TD307(156%)的降低量相似。在穀物產量比較中,TD30品種的產量是相似的。然而在TN11品種中, TN117的穀粒產量比TN11F降低了30.29%。最後比較不同間歇灌溉方式之植物高度、葉面積和總葉綠素,發現3天間隔的間歇灌溉方式大於其他間歇灌溉方式。
Irrigated agriculture plays a vital role in the production of food for the world’s population. Agriculture faces two major challenges. First, it needs to enhance food production sustainably to feed a growing world population; at the same time, this increase needs to be accomplished under conditions of increasing water scarcity. This study investigated rice yield, growth response and water saving under different water saving management practices and technology in southern Taiwan. Water saving technology such as alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWDI) and controlled drainage may help to minimize water loss while still maintaining an acceptable yield. In addition, the system of rice intensification (SRI) has emerge as a set of guiding principles that can maintain higher yields through stronger and healthier plants and soils while reducing external inputs. The adoption of water saving technology in irrigated lowland rice is essential in Taiwan, as climate change may cause the uncertainty of monsoon rainfall which may decrease the availability of irrigation water. However, under climate change circumstances water saving measure can be optimized when taking advantage of favorable water seasonality to increase crop yield and irrigation water use efficiency. Therefore, the first research in this study was to find a suitable water depth for reducing rice irrigation water use using four different water depth treatment (T2cm, T3cm, T4cm, T5cm) while utilizing rainfall through a complete randomized block design system having four replications. Water depths were applied weekly from transplanting to heading. The second focus of this research was conducted to evaluate the performance of lowland paddy rice under SRI management practices and controlled drainage. This experiment was performed during the rainy season; the treatments consisted of 4 water management practices and 4 replications: (1) T2cm, draining of excess rain water at 2cm depth and re-irrigating at same amount (2) T4cm, draining of excess rain water at 4cm and re-irrigating at same amount (3) T6cm, draining of excess rain water at 6cm and re-irrigating of same amount (4) TSat, plots remained saturated or flooded during the crop cycle. The third research also focused on SRI management practices however it was conducted during dry season as there is still limited knowledge about rice adaptation, growth and water saving under SRI during this time. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized block design consisting of four replications and two rice varieties Tainan11 (TN11) and Tidung30 (TD30). The irrigation regimes evaluated were (a) continuous flooding (CF) represented as (TN11CF and TD30CF), (b) intermittent irrigation at 3days interval (TN113 and TD303) and (c) intermittent irrigation at 7days interval (TN117 and TD307). Ponded water depths of 3-6cm were applied for the first 5 days after transplanting in intermittent irrigation regimes thereafter successive irrigation of 3 and 7days intervals followed until one week before harvest. Under CF regime, 4-7cm ponded water depth was applied immediately after transplanting for the same duration. The results from experiment one showed that under AWDI the highest rainwater productivity (2.07kg/m3) was achieved in T5cm and the lowest in T2cm (1.62kg/m3). The highest total water productivity, (0.75kg/m3) and irrigation water productivity (1.40kg/m3) was achieved in T2cm. The total amount of water saved in T4cm, T3cm and T2cm was 20, 40 and 60% respectively. Weekly application of T4cm ponded water depth from transplanting to heading produced the lowest yield reduction (1.57%) and grain production loss (0.06kg) having no significant impact on yield loss compared to T5cm. Findings from experiment two suggests that water reduction after panicle initiation significantly affected plant height in T2cm and T4cm, and grain yield in T2cm. The lowest grain reduction (4.92%) and grain production loss (0.09 kg) was produced by T4cm. The highest total water productivity (0.52kg/m3) and irrigation water productivity (1.88 kg/m3) was produced in T2cm followed by T4cm (0.44 kg/m3) and (1.14kg/m3) respectively. The draining of excess rainfall at 4cm depth and providing irrigation of the same amount provided the best results under SRI management in terms of yield and irrigation water saving. The results obtained in experiment three showed that intermittent irrigation of 3 and 7days intervals produced water savings of 55% and 74% compared with continuous flooding. Total water productivity was greater with intermittent irrigation at 7days intervals producing 0.35kg grain/m3 (TN117) and 0.46kg grain/m3 (TD307). Average daily headed panicle reduced by 166% and 196% for TN113 and TN117 compared with TN11F, with similar reduction recorded for TD303 (150% ) and TD307 (156%) compared with TD30F. Grain yield of TD30 variety was comparable among irrigation regimes, however, it reduced by 30.29% in TN117 compared to TN11F. Plant height, leaf area and total chlorophyll was greater in plants exposed to intermittent irrigation of 3 days intervals.
摘 要…………………………………………………………………………..I
Abstract IV
Chapter 1. General Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1. General overview of rice 5
2.1.1 Biology and ecology of rice 5 Taxonomy and genetics 5 Origin and cultivation 6 Morphology 7 Growth and development 8 Germination and vegetative growth 8 Reproductive development 8 Grain ripening 9
2.1.2 Country overview 10 General information about Taiwan 10 Overview of Taiwan’s climate 10 Taiwan Agricultural sector 11
2.2. Rice production, constraints and farming practices 12
2.2.1 Rice production and irrigation in Taiwan 12
2.2.2 Constraints and challenges to paddy farming toward environmentally friendly production in Taiwan 13 Simplification of monoculture and industrial farming development in Taiwan 14
2.2.4 Over application of chemicals inputs under agriculture subsidy policy squeezes profits for farmers. 15
2.3 Rice ecosystem and production 17
2.4 Water saving technologies in Irrigated agriculture 18
2.4.1 Water saving rice irrigation 18
2.4.2 On farm irrigation scheduling 19
2.4.3 Use of poor quality waters 19
2.5 Environmental issues in rice production 20
2.6 Water state and the consequences of unsustainable growth 21
2.7 Still many opportunities to do more with less 22
2.8 Food, resource efficiency and climate change 23
2.8.1 Food and agriculture 23
2.8.2 Improving resource use efficiency 24
2.8.3 Climate Change 25
Chapter 3. Utilizing rainfall and Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation for high water productivity in irrigated lowland paddy rice in Southern Taiwan 27
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Materials and methods 29
3.2.1 Experimental site and trial design 29
3.2.2 Soil water content and soil trend analysis 30
3.2.3 Assessment of agronomic parameters 31
3.2.4 Leaf chlorophyll content and relative water content 32
3.2.5 Measuring of yield and yield components 33
3.2.6 Water productivity assessment 34
3.2.7 Data analysis 35
3.3 Results 35
3.3.1 Agro-hydrological conditions and soil water during the growing season 35
3.3.2 Crop growth 39
3.3.3 Dry biomass, root dry weight, root depth and root volume 40
3.3.4 Leaf chlorophyll content and relative water content 41
3.3.5 Effect of water treatment on yield components and grain yield components 42
3.3.6 Water use efficiency 45
3.4 Discussion 46
Chapter 4. Assessment of Growth, Yield, and Water productivity of lowland paddy rice under controlled drainage and irrigation using the System of Rice Intensification 52
4.1 Introduction 52
4.2 Materials and methods 55
4.2.1 Site description, treatments and experimental design 55
4.2.2 Crop and Irrigation management 56
4.2.3 Soil water content and soil trend analysis 56
4.2.4 Assessment of agronomic parameters 57
4.2.5 Chlorophyll content and leaf area index 57
4.2.6 Measuring of yield component 58
4.2.7 Water Productivity Assessment 59
4.2.8.Data Analysis 59
4.3 Results 59
4.3.1 Agro- hydrological conditions and soil moisture during the crop cycle: 59
4.3.2. Rice growth 61
4.3.3 Root Parameters 62
4.2.4 Leaf chlorophyll content and leaf area index 63
4.2.5 Yield and grain components 64
4.2.6 Water use efficiency 66
4.3 Discussions 66
Chapter 5. Impact of water management on rice varieties, yield and water productivity under the system of rice intensification in southern Taiwan 73
5.1 Introduction 73
5.2 Materials and methods 77
5.2.1 Trial design and experimental area 77
5.2.2 Crop management 78
5.2.3 Soil moisture 78
5.2.4 Assessment of plant height 79
5.2.5. Leaf area 79
5.2.6 Root parameters 79
5.2.7 Heading rate and yield components 80
5.2.8 Water productivity 80
5.2.9 Data analysis 81
5.3 Results 81
5.3.1 Agro-hydrological conditions and production environment 81
5.3.2 Rice growth 82
5.3.3 Chlorophyll 83
5.3.4 Root parameters 84
5.3.5 Yield and Yield components 85
5.3.6 Water productivity 87
5.4 Discussion 88
Chapter 6. Conclusion and recommendations 94
Chapter 7. References 96
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