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研究生(外文):Chun-Han Ko
論文名稱(外文):Mechanism Design for IoT Information Gathering and Multicast Distribution
指導教授(外文):Hung-Yu Wei
外文關鍵詞:The IoTenergy harvestingradio resource allocationmechanism designgame theory
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is the inter-networking of smart devices, vehicles, machines, and other items. The key factor for enabling this sophisticated paradigm is the integration of novel communication protocols and technologies, which allows IoT devices to cooperate, communicate, and make decisions. The interconnection of IoT devices can be explained in simple data flows: Devices such as wireless sensors gather data from the environment and transmit the data to data servers for information processing. The processed information is then distributed to devices such as user equipments to achieve greater user utility. Due to the rapid development of the IoT, ubiquitous information gathering, processing, and distribution have escalated the demand of radio resources, which makes radio resources even scarcer. In addition, wireless channels are time-fluctuating. Energy harvesting technology enables self-sustainable IoT devices but harvested energy is usually intermittent and time-varying. Therefore, taking into account radio resource scarcity, channel fluctuations, and energy variations, efficient radio resource allocation in space and time is particularly important in the IoT. Moreover, we also consider selfishness of IoT devices and incomplete information of the network environment. Incomplete information means that the network environment, such as channel conditions and energy levels, is only known to devices themselves. To optimize the network performance, feedback of the incomplete information from devices is required. Note that overall network optimization usually sacrifices individual performance of some devices. Selfish devices can manipulate the network optimization result through untruthful feedback if doing so increase their own performance. The network performance may not be optimal. In this regard, we formulate radio resource allocation problems in the IoT and adopt a mechanism design approach to propose novel IoT resource allocation mechanisms. Our theoretic findings show that the proposed resource allocation mechanisms can induce truthful information feedback from devices so as to achieve optimal equilibrium resource allocation. The equilibrium resource allocation achieves several efficiency and fairness metrics, including maximum system throughput/data fidelity, Pareto efficiency, max-min fairness, proportional fairness. With the proposed pricing schemes, the payment is always made from the devices to the mechanisms. In other words, the mechanisms do not need to pay to ensure truthful feedback (budget balance). Moreover, all devices will join the proposed mechanisms to gain higher utility than without joining (individual rationality).
Doctoral Dissertation Certification by Oral Defense Committee i
Acknowledgements ii
Chinese Abstract iii
Abstract v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Selfish Devices and Incomplete Information 2
1.2 Problem Overviews and Contributions 3
1.2.1 Strategy-Proof Resource Allocation Mechanism for Multi-Flow Wireless Multicast (Chapter 2) 3
1.2.2 Wireless Multicast over Time-Varying Channels for Energy-Harvesting Devices (Chapter 3) 4
1.2.3 On Maximizing Data Fidelity in Energy-Harvesting IoT: A Mechanism Design Approach (Chapter 4) 5
1.3 Mechanism Design 6
1.3.1 Basic Knowledge 6
1.3.2 Equilibrium Concepts 6
1.3.3 Infinite Time Horizon Mechanisms 7
2 Strategy-Proof Resource Allocation Mechanism for Multi-Flow Wireless Multicast 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Related Work 12
2.3 Multicast System Model 14
2.3.1 Multicast Flows 14
2.3.2 Lossy Channels and Generalized Erasure Coding 15
2.3.3 UEs’ Utility 16
2.4 Resource Allocation Problem and Mechanism Design 17
2.4.1 Pricing and Access Control 19
2.4.2 UE Resource Demands and Group Resource Demands 20
2.4.3 Group Weights 22
2.4.4 Weighted Water-Filling Resource Allocation 23
2.5 Resource Allocation Game 26
2.6 Strategy-Proofness – Truth-Revealing Equilibrium 28
2.7 Desirable Properties of the Equilibrium Resource Allocation 34
2.8 Numerical Simulation Results 38
2.8.1 Numerical Analysis 38
2.8.2 3GPP MBMS Simulation 41
2.9 Summary 42
3 Wireless Multicast over Time-Varying Channels for Energy-Harvesting Devices 44
3.1 Introduction 44
3.2 Related Works 46
3.3 System Model 48
3.3.1 Types of Multicast Flows 49
3.3.2 Energy Arrivals and Markov Energy States 50
3.3.3 Fading Channels and Markov Channel States 51
3.3.4 Joint States and Information Assumptions 52
3.3.5 One-Shot and Long-Term Throughput 52
3.4 Resource Allocation Problem and Mechanism Design 54
3.4.1 Feedback Strategies of the Devices 55
3.4.2 Flow Resource Allocation Policy 56
3.4.3 Bayesian Update of the State Information 57
3.4.4 Device Pricing Policy 59
3.4.5 Ex-Post Utility of the Devices 60
3.5 Resource Allocation Game 60
3.6 Truth-Revealing Equilibrium and Desirable Properties 62
3.7 Value Iteration for the Resource Allocation Policy 66
3.8 Further Discussions 68
3.8.1 Feedback per n Time Slots 68
3.8.2 Markov Data Sources 69
3.9 Numerical Results 69
3.10 Summary 73
4 On Maximizing Data Fidelity in Energy-Harvesting IoT: A Mechanism Design Approach 75
4.1 Introduction 75
4.2 Related Works 77
4.3 System Model 80
4.3.1 Data Statistics and Entropy 81
4.3.2 Energy States and Activation Intervals 82
4.3.3 Information Assumption on the Data Statistics, Energy States, and Activation Intervals 84
4.3.4 Data Fidelity 84
4.4 Node Activation Mechanism 85
4.4.1 Feedback Strategies of the Servers 87
4.4.2 Node Activation Policy and Value Iteration 87
4.4.3 Update of the Energy State Information 89
4.4.4 Server Pricing Policy 90
4.4.5 Utility of the Servers 91
4.5 Node Activation Game and Solution Concept 92
4.6 Truth-Revealing Equilibrium and Desirable Properties 93
4.7 Further Discussions 98
4.7.1 Synchronous Feedback per n Time Slots 99
4.7.2 Asynchronous Group Feedback 100
4.7.3 Stationary, Markov Energy Arrivals and Time-Varying Channels 101
4.8 Numerical Results 103
4.8.1 Parameter Setting 103
4.8.2 Verification of Incentive Compatibility, Budget Balance, and Individual Rationality 103
4.8.3 Impacts of Parameter Change 105
4.8.4 Performance Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Feedback Designs 106
4.9 Summary 107
5 Conclusions 108
A Proofs for Lemmas 2.1, 2.3, and 2.4 110
A.1 Lemma 2.1 110
A.2 Lemma 2.3 113
A.3 Lemma 2.4 115
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