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研究生(外文):Chia-Chi Chang
論文名稱:Synergistic Performance of Composite Supercapacitors
論文名稱(外文):Synergistic Performance of Composite Supercapacitors
指導教授(外文):Toyoko Imae
口試委員(外文):Shih-Yuan LuYing-Chih LiaoChen-Hao WangMasaki Ujihara
外文關鍵詞:Carbon nanohornCarbon dotsConducting polymerSynergistic effectSupercapacitor
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本實驗使用原位聚合法(in-situ polymerization method)合成不同重量比(單體:碳奈米角=1:0,1:0.33,1:1,3:0:1)之碳奈米角(carbon nanohorn, CNH)與導電高分子(聚苯胺(polyaniline, PA)和聚吡咯(polypyrrole, PP))(polymer@CNH)之複合材料並研究其電化學行為。再來是透過添加碳奈米點(carbon dots, C-dots)於polymer@CNH複合材料中,進一步研究添加C-dots是否具增強其電化學性能。
本實驗發現在PA@CNH電極系列中,當單體: CNH =1:3時,其比電容值達最大(762 F/g在5 mV/s掃描速率下)。在PP@CNH電極系列中,比電容值隨CNH含量增加而逐漸變小。由電化學結果得知PA@CNH複合材料因具有低的電荷轉移電阻,因此使電荷轉移更快且具有更高的電化學性能,表明PA和CNH兩者具有良好的協同作用。此外polymer@CNH複合材料經5000圈穩定測試後,仍保有90%以上之電容維持率表示其循環穩定性能佳。
透過C-dots的加入,由實驗結果發現C-dots擬可在CNH和導電高分子之間形成導電橋梁,提升電極導電率,進而提高比電容值。PA@CNH/ C-dots和PP@CNH/ C-dots複合材料的比電容值分別為1206 F/g和538 F/g,比電容值比沒有添加C-dots的複合材料各高出1.6及2.3倍。在交流阻抗分析和循環穩定性測試中,可以發現相較於polymer@CNH複合材料,C-dots與polymer@CNH複合材料具有較低的電荷轉移電阻及保有更高的電容維持率(PA@CNH/ C-dots (97%)、PP@CNH/ C-dots (95%))。因此,polymer@CNH含C-dots之複合材料在電容量、電荷轉移電阻、穩定性方面均有提升(特別是PA),其具發展潛力的儲能裝置電極材料。
This thesis described the electrochemical behavior of composites of carbon nanohorn (CNH) with conducting polymers (polyaniline (PA) and polypyrrole (PP)). The materials at different weight ratios (monomer:CNH = 1:0, 1:0.33, 1:1, 1:3 and 0:1) and (monomer:CNH:C-dots = 1:3:1) were prepared by the in-situ polymerization method.
In the case of PA-series electrodes, specific capacitance was maximum (762 F/g at scan rate of 5 mV/s). Meanwhile, in the PP-series electrodes, the specific capacitance gradually decreased from 769 F/g at 5 mV/s of 1:0 (pyrrole:CNH) with increasing the content of CNH. Whereas, the charge transfers resistance behavior completely contrary to the specific capacitance on the composite ratio dependence. These electrochemical results indicate that PA-series composites have strong synergy effect between PA and CNH facilitated by faster charge transfer, smaller internal resistance, and better mechanical properties, resulting in improved capacitance performances.
Furthermore, since composites of both polymers at 1:3 (monomer:CNH) ratio showed excellent capacitance retention with a retention ratio of 95% after 5000 cycles, both polymers are strengthened their cycling stability after hybridization with CNH.
To assess the enhancement of specific capacitance by adding carbon dots (C-dots) on the composite consisting of CNH and conducting polymer. The addition of C-dots on composite consisting of CNH and polymer showed superior electrochemical influence in comparison with the electrode without C-dots. Incidentally, specific capacitance was 1206 F/g and 538 F/g for composites of CNH with PA and PP, respectively, and C-dots. These values were 1.6 and 2.3 times higher than values for composites without C-dots. Moreover, these composites exhibited very high capacitance retention (97 and 95 %, respectively). Thus, these results indicate that the addition of C-dots to composites of CNH with conducting polymers (especially polyaniline) provides significant potential for promising electrode materials for energy storage devices with high efficiency.
Abstract i
摘要 iii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1: Introduction and Motivation 1
1.1 Classification of Supercapacitors 1
1.2 Materials for Supercapacitors 2
1.3 Applications of Supercapacitors 4
1.4 Motivation 6
Chapter 2: Experimental Section 7
2.1 Materials 7
2.2 Synthesis of CNH/conducting polymers composites 8
2.3 Synthesis of CNH/C-dots/conducting polymers composites 9
2.4 Preparation of working electrode for electrochemical measurement 11
2.5 Instruments 12
Chapter 3: Results and Discussion 13
3.1 Composite Supercapacitors of CNH with Conducting Polymer 13
3.1.1 Characterization of composites 13
3.1.2 Synergistic Performance of composite electrodes 18
3.2 Composite Supercapacitors of CNH with conducting polymers and C-dots composites 32
3.2.1 Characterization of composites 32
3.2.2 Enhanced specific capacitance induced by C-dots 35
Chapter 4: Conclusion 43
References 44
Appendix 52
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