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研究生(外文):Cheng-Che Li
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Innovation and Internationalization on Business Performance: Evidence from Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry
指導教授(外文):Wei-Kang Wang
口試委員(外文):Wen-Min LuHsing-Chin Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan’s semiconductor industryInnovationInternationalizationBusiness performanceDynamic data envelopment analysis
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The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between innovation, internationalization, and business performance in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry. This study applies a two-stage approach. First, it uses a dynamic data envelopment analysis (DEA) model to measure the operational efficiency of Taiwan’s semiconductor companies. Second, it adopts ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis to explore the influence of innovation and internationalization on business performance. The final sampling included 467 samples covering the period 2009–2015. The empirical results show that innovation and internationalization have a positive influence on business performance. The results reveal that the more the innovation and internationalization, the better is the business performance. There is robust evidence in the findings of the study that leads to the conclusion that innovation and internationalization can influence a firm’s business performance.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract in English ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
2.1 Innovation and business performance 5
Hypothesis 1a: There is a relationship between patent counts and business performance. 6
Hypothesis 1b: There is a positive relationship between patent claims and business performance. 7
Hypothesis 1c: There is a positive relationship between patent citations and business performance. 7
2.2 Internationalization and business performance 7
Hypothesis 2a: Foreign sales as a percentage of total sales has a positive influence on business performance. 8
Hypothesis 2b: The number of overseas subsidiaries has a positive influence on business performance. 8
2.3 The connection between internationalization and innovation 9
Hypothesis 3a: The interaction of patent counts and internationalization has an influence on business performance. 10
Hypothesis 3b: The interaction of patent claims and internationalization has a positive influence on business performance. 10
Hypothesis 3c: The interaction of patent citations and internationalization has a positive influence on business performance. 10
3.1 Research framework 11
3.2 Sample 11
3.3 Innovation measure 12
3.4 Internationalization measure 12
3.5 Business performance measure 13
3.6 Descriptive Statistics 15
4.1 Directional distance dynamic efficiency analysis 18
4.2 The relationship between innovation and business performance 18
4.3 The relationship between innovation, internationalization, and business performance 21
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