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研究生(外文):Rong-Suei Hong
論文名稱(外文):The network of interlocking directorates and corporate performance.
指導教授(外文):Wei-Kang Wang
口試委員(外文):Wen-Min LuHsing-Chin Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:Social NetworkInterlocking DirectoratesDynamic data envelopment analysis
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本研究的目的是探討董監連結的社會網路對台灣電子業公司績效之間的關係。本研究分為兩個階段。首先,本文整合動態資料包絡分析法用於效率測度之相對重要性衡量電子業公司的營運績效。可視情境改善各投入產出變數,此舉更能貼切實務,對公司之績效能做更準確分析。第二階段,本文使用迴歸分析法探討董監連結的社會網路對公司績效的影響。本研究中樣本共187個,橫跨2013 年至2015 年,從本文實證結果得知董監事連結的中心性、董監事連結的結構洞、董監事連結數對公司績效是呈現顯著正相關。這意味著更多的董監連結網路可以提升公司績效。
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between networks of interlocking directorates and corporate performance in Taiwanese electronics companies. This research consisted of two stages. First, operational efficiency of electronics companies was measured using a dynamic SBM model for DEA. Second, this paper adopts ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis to explore the influence of networks of interlocking directorates on corporate performance. Our final sample included 187 samples. Sample period from 2013-2015. The empirical results show that centrality, structural holes and number of networks of interlocking directorates have significant positive influences on corporate performance. This means more networks of interlocking directorates enable better the corporate performance.
Title Page i
Abstract in Chinese ii
Abstract in English iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
2.1 Social networks 4
2.2 Centrality and corporate performance 4
2.3 Structural holes and corporate performance 5
2.4 Interlocking directorates and corporate performance 6
3.1 Research framework 8
3.2 Sample 8
3.3 Measures 9
3.4 Descriptive Statistics 13
4.1 Network Structure Analysis for Taiwan’s electronics industry 17
4.2 Performance analysis for Taiwan’s electronics industry 20
4.3 The relationship between the network of interlocking directorates and corporate performance 21
Appendix I 32
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