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研究生(外文):JEN, MEI-YUN
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of a Mechanism for Evaluating the Recommendation Performance of Individual Stocks in Online Discussion Communities
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yuh-Jen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Jen-SinWei, Yu-Chen
外文關鍵詞:Social discuss mediaStock investmentStock recommendationPerformance Rating
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本研究成果包含發展一網路股票討論社群個股推薦輿論之擷取演算法、建置一網路股票討論社群個股推薦輿論之實體關聯模型(E-R Model)、發展一個股推薦績效之驗證與評等方法,並實作一個股推薦績效驗證與評等系統,以提供投資大眾未來關注與跟隨個股推薦者之選擇參考依據,進而提昇個股投資績效與獲利。
In recent years, with the advance of the Internet and the popularity of social media, more and more investors and analysts who have extensive experience begin publishing sotck-related predictions opinion in the stock discussion social media, which often attract the attention and follow-up of a large number of individual investors; however, the recommendation opinion of individual stocks which predicted accurately will give rise to individual investors a good invest performance, the recommendation opinion of individual stocks which predicted erroneously will give rise to individual investors a shady invest performance, or even cause the river of no return. Therefore, effectively validating the stocks predictions opinion recommeneded by investors and analysts in the stock discussion social media has become the reference basis for investors’ future attention and following individual stock recommender.
Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to conduct a performance verification of the investors’ or analysts in the stock discussion social media based on the opinion of the future recommended buy or sell of stocks and establish the personal performance rating of the recommender of the stock.This objective is achieved by the following: (i) retrieval of recommended public opinions for individual stocks in online discussion communities, (ii) development of the method for validating and evaluating the recommended performance of individual stocks, (iii) the results of implementing a prototype of a system for recommended performance validation and evaluation of individual stocks and experiment with an illustrative example.
This research results includes establishment of the algorithm, the Entity-Relationship Model, development of the method for validating and evaluating the recommended performance and implementing the system. Provide investors the future attentions and follow-up to the recommendation of individual stock selection basis, and thus enhance the performance of individual stocks and profits.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
壹、緒論 1
一、研究背景與動機 1
二、研究目的 2
三、研究架構 2
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、移動平均線相關文獻 3
二、預測時距相關文獻 3
三、分析師相關文獻 4
參、網路股票討論社群個股推薦輿論之擷取 6
一、網路股票討論社群個股推薦輿論之擷取 6
二、網路股票討論社群個股推薦輿論之資料塑模 8
肆、個股推薦績效之驗證與評等方法發展 12
一、個股推薦績效之驗證 12
二、個股推薦績效之評等 14
伍、個股推薦績效驗證與評等系統實作 16
一、網路股票輿情內容資料蒐集 16
二、實作畫面呈現 30
陸、結論與未來研究 36
參考文獻 37
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