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研究生(外文):Lin, Cheng-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Study and Analysis of Passivation on GaSb Surface
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Chang
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-KarnWu, Meng-Chyi
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In order to integrate logic device with optical communication systems, the transmission of optical signals in a short distance makes the data transmission speed and information larger. Silicon photonics plays an important role in this thing, but Silicon is still not appropriate to be light source. Therefore, this paper will focus on the integration of Gallium Antimonide (GaSb) on the Silicon substrate, recrystallizing the amorphous Gallium Antimonide into single crystal by Rapid-Melt-Growth (RMG), and use different passivation methods to further enhance the epitaxial quality.
But there are many challenge for the heterogeneous integration of the III-V materials integrated into Silicon substrate. Such as anti-phase boundary, lattice misfit (13%), thermal expansion coefficient difference between the materials is too large and so on. Accordingly, the parameters of the temperature and the material ratio needs to be optimized, and passivate GaSb surface for doing RMG better.
In measurement section, using Photoluminescence system (PL), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), EDS, SAD, Raman, AFM to observe the emitting efficiency, analyze material ratios , bonding, crystal orientation and the roughness. Finally, it shows that Ga with 65% would have better emitting efficiency. By covering the pure Sb layer on the original GaSb surface, the diffusion of Ga and Si can be reduced. Replicate the crystal orientation better when doing RMG, and reduce the interference of impurities.
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
1.3論文架構 6
第二章 理論背景 7
2.1銻化鎵元素介紹 7
2.2矽與III-V族異質整合 11
2.3 III-V族磊晶文獻回顧 16
2.4 表面鈍化處理概念與種類 23
第三章 快速熱熔磊晶法(RMG)與結構設計 25
3.1快速熱熔磊晶法原理 25
3.2使用電子槍及熱蒸鍍系統做物理氣相沉積 31
3.3鈍化處理之結構設計 34
第四章 元件製作流程與量測系統 38
4.1元件製作流程圖 38
4.2元件製作細節以及重要參數 40
4.3 實驗架設與量測方法 47
第五章 實驗量測與分析 49
5.1高濃度銻化鎵對磊晶的影響 49
5.2使用濕蝕刻處理銻化鎵表面對磊晶之影響 59
5.3氧化鎵在銻化鎵表面對磊晶之影響 63
5.4使用純銻層保護銻化鎵表面對磊晶之影響 69
第六章 結果與討論 80
6.1結論 80
6.2未來展望 81
參考資料 82
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