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研究生(外文):Yaolin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Adaptation and Food-way Changes after Demolition and Relocation during Urbanization:A Case Study of Village Jiu Da Dui, Suzhou, China
口試委員(外文):Shu-mei HuangYu-jen Chen
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Countryside in China is quickly changing to cities. The study explores the changes of human and space, farmers turning into citizens, countryside turning into the city, from the angle of the food-way. During this transformation, food-way plays a vital role in adapting social relationships before and after the community relocation, which further represents the statement of adaptation when people at different ages or generations facing changes that happen in daily life. The most daily diet implies the maintenance and the changes of human identity.

The study examines the changes throughout the community relocation in the village called JiuDaDui which located in Suzhou, south part of China. First of all, the study looks back on the history of JiuDaDui to confirm the peculiarity where is economically well-developed and close to the city. It implies that the region is countryside in terms of the household registration system. However, its relationship with the city brings more cooperation rather than conflicts. The residents there could attain the job for a living, without bearing the high housing cost and intense pace in a city.

Then the study shows the food-way of the three stages: before demolition, living in the temporary apartment and move to new home, on the basis of personal interviewing, participle observation, and field research around the village. The process contains the receivement and loses of land, be self-supporting and self-sufficient by farming changing to buying food dependent on market and supermarket during the transformation from the establishment to demolition. Meanwhile, the thesis also demonstrates the differences and tension between the forces of city and countryside by documenting the adjustments of social relationship network and food-way during the demolition and relocation. In view of the family food-way, social relationship and family relationship, the article organizes ideas that local people maintain origin life habits by growing vegetables and adapt to migration and life changes by sharing food so that it supplies the literature of urban and country migration and urbanization which focus on the aspects of politics and economy, culture lacing of discussing daily life.

The case occurs in wealthy place, which is in the south part of China, experiencing the rapid urbanization, also it shows multiple aspects of food-way and identity during urbanization. The research finds out that JiuDaDui suffers as much as many other Chinese villages from the political movements such as the People’s Commune and the Great Leap. However, soon after the Reform and Openness, JiuDaDui develop township enterprises apart from fulfilling the basic living requirements, together with taking the opportunity of the Greater Suzhou District policy, making itself as the attraction spot for the poor nearby. To some extent, JiuDaDui is no longer a traditional country, but a mini city with productivity and living besides the literally country residency. In fact, JiuDaDui has not become a part of the urban, both on space and residency, until its relocation to QiLiMiao. Meanwhile, the survey of the food-way, landscape and the changes of the community indicates that their non-daily food-way inside celebration and sacrifice still held throughout the relocation. Although simplifying the rite and space, the food-way lasts and adapts with the variation of different gender and generation.

Furthermore, to explore how farmers at different ages or generations turn into citizen and how they adapt to this process, the thesis examines the variations of daily food-way and the non-daily one throughout the community relocation.

In conclusion, the thesis aims at confirming the close ties between food studies and identity, by exploring the connection among food-way social relationship and identity in this village. Meanwhile, the thesis intends to provide a microwave aspect for demolition and relocation study in China by elaborating the relationship network about how food-way grows, including the relationship between the urban and rural, family and community. The process of urbanization is not just farmers turning into citizens, but also the renewal of life. People develop the relationship with food and land by farming and producing interaction with family and village via food. Food-way plays an important role of social interaction and becomes the new field of adjustment of social relationships.

The changes of food-way are also a process of spatial recognition and restructure of relationship. After demolition, the relationship between human and land has been changed. But village people still work hard to grow vegetables as main of original habits. The continuity is different from doing nothing but urban farm among the western middle class. Village people grow vegetables is far from the growing itself but also make the vegetables as the intermediary to link up the inner family and community emotion. What’s more, people grow vegetables to alleviate the miss of their former lives.
謝辭…………………………………………………………………… iii
Abstract ……………………………………………………………. …vi
第一章 導論…………………………………………………………… 1
第一節 進城?進「城」?………………………………………… 1
第二節 文獻回顧…………………………………………………… 3
第三節 分析架構與核心論點……………………………………… 12
第四節 研究設計與方法…………………………………………… 14
第二章 從九大隊到七里廟:城市化的歷程………………………… 23
第一節 九大隊村落文化的形成與發展…………………………… 23
第二節 種地為生的九大隊(1949年至1970年代)…………… 27
第三節 農村城鎮化的九大隊(1980年代至2014年)……… 31
第四節 拆遷來臨(2012年至2014年)……………………… 40
第五節 新小區與舊世界:七里廟 (2014年以後)…………… 42
第三章 搬遷前後的飲食實作變遷…………………………………… 48
第一節 拆遷前飲食實作(1950年至2012年)………………… 48
第二節 拆遷後飲食實作(2012年至今)……………………… 62
第四章 飲食實作變遷的空間與社會分析………………………… 73
第一節 從村落到都市,社會關係網絡的裂解與重構…………… 73
第二節 始終在種菜?人與飲食支持系統的關係………………… 83
第三節 不同世代與性別的菜品哲學與飲食調適……………… 89
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………… 94
第一節 從村民到市民:城鄉變遷…………………………………94
第二節 從種地到採買:飲食支持系統變遷……………………… 96
參考文獻……………………………………………………………… 98
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