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研究生(外文):Thomas Jacobson
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Asset Prices
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The aim of this thesis is to evaluate machine learning models for the purpose of predicting asset prices. The models are limited to neural networks, specifically the multilayer perceptron, the recurrent neural network, and the pi-sigma network. The asset used as forecasting target is the EURUSD. The thesis discusses and compares the differences between the neural network architectures, and uses a custom fitness function during the models’ training. Results show that the three models can be used as forecasting tools to build profitable trading strategies. To enhance the validity of the results, the performance of the three models are compared to the discoveries of other researchers, and among the three neural networks, the pi-sigma network displays the best forecasting performance, in line with what other studies show as well. Besides comparing the performance of the three models, the thesis also discusses how the forecasts can be improved by combining several machine learning models. The thesis also discusses potential reasons for why some scholars achieve dissatisfying forecasting results when testing similar types of neural networks, and provides some suggestions of how results might be improved.
1. Introduction 6
1.1. Research Methodology 7
2. Literature Review 9
2.1. Forecasting Methods 10
2.2. Economic Theory 11
2.3. Criticism of Technical Analysis 13
2.4. Machine Learning 13
2.4.1. Neural Networks 14
2.4.2. Overfitting 15
2.5. Neural Network Architectures 15
2.5.1. Multilayer Perceptron 16
2.5.2. Recurrent Neural Network 18
2.5.3. Pi-Sigma Network 19
3. Analysis 22
3.1. Preparing the Dataset 22
3.2. The Naive Trading Strategy 24
3.3. Training the Neural Networks 25
3.4. Trading Strategy, Transaction Costs, and Trading Volume 26
3.5. Training and Trading Results 28
3.5.1. Comment 28
3.6. Comparing the Results 29
4. Discussion 33
4.1. Importance of Fitness Function 33
4.2. Importance of Careful Training 34
4.3. Machine Learning for Predicting Asset Prices 36
5. Conclusion 38
6. Appendix 40
7. References 41
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