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論文名稱(外文):Advocating Sexual-Orientation-Based Hate Speech Regulation
指導教授(外文):FAN, HSIU-YU
外文關鍵詞:sexual orientation discriminationhate speechfreedom of speechspeech act theorysubstantive equalitycontent-neutral principleLegitimacy Argument
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本文第二章將探討仇恨性言論之內容、意圖、傷害、背景脈絡、目的要素,以提出可供實際操作的仇恨性言論定義,並透過相關研究描繪我國性傾向歧視、性傾向仇恨性言論問題現況及可能成因,說明管制立法在我國的實然可能性與應然必要性。第三章及第四章,將分從自由權、平等權及尊嚴面向,提出性傾向仇恨性言論管制理論基礎,並回應相關反管制主張:就自由權面向,援引「言語行為理論」以分析「言論」之內涵,將言論的「語用」層次納入考量,以檢視傳統法學相關「言論自由理論」的可能缺失,最後以「傷害原則」為限制自由權的理論基礎,說明仇恨性言論的傷害運作原理,並提出其所造成的傷害;就平等權面向,說明「實質平等」的內涵,並提出性傾向仇恨性言論中的平等問題,以探討國家應積極介入的理由;就尊嚴面向,將援引Jeremy Waldron的見解進行說明。同時回應以下反管制論點:「扼殺政治性言論」、「侵害自主權」、「侵害宗教自由或學術自由」、「構成觀點歧視」、「違反內容中立原則」及Ronald Dworkin的正當性論證(Legitimacy Argument)。

In recent years, governments from different jurisdictions have drawn their attention to the issue of hate speech. In Taiwan, there were many sexual-orientation-based hate speeches throughout the debate on same-sex marriage, the issue of Taiwan's Constitutional Interpretation No.748. Thus, some people advocate that sexual-orientation-based hate speech should be regulated. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that many commentators raised the following questions: How to define hate speech? Does the regulation of hate speech undermine the freedom of speech? In addition, is it necessary to regulate the sexual-orientation-based hate speech?
To deal with the issue of defining hate speech, previous legal research in Taiwan has focused on the discussion directly based on a specific law, or merely listed down the relevant comparative studies of scholars' opinions from different jurisdictions, to conclude their general description of hate speech. However, neither of them discusses the constituent elements of hate speech, which remains the definition of hate speech still vague. Regarding the issue of “whether the hate speech regulation constitutes excessive interference in freedom of speech,” most research has focused only on the judgments of foreign constitutional courts. Although those research consists of some scholars' perspectives, they do not discuss this issue from different rights comprehensively. In addition, previous research has focused on the "racial-related hate speech," or merely the general idea without referring to any specific groups. Yet, there has been no study focusing on "sexual-orientation-based hate speech."
In order to define hate speech in a practical manner, this study discusses the content, intent, harm, context, and purpose elements of hate speech in chapter 2. Moreover, based on the relevant research, this study also observes the current situation and possible causes of sexual orientation discrimination and the sexual-orientation-based hate speech in Taiwan, pointing out the possibility and necessity of regulating sexual-orientation-based hate speech. In chapter 3 and chapter 4, this study will analyses the different theories concerning sexual-orientation-based hate speech regulation. Response to relevant anti-regulatory claims from the perspective of liberty, equality, and dignity will also be discussed. In particular, in terms of liberty, this study introduces and applies speech act theory to analyze the meaning of "speech," taking into account the "pragmatic" of speech, in order to examine the possible deficiency of traditional free speech theories. Finally, this study deems the harm principle should be the theoretical basis for the hate speech regulation. This study also explains how hate speech causes harm, and what kinds of harm can hate speech generate or constitute. Concerning equality, this study introduces “substantive equality,” raising up the issue of equality in sexual-orientation-based hate speech and discuss the reason why the government should take an active role in this issue. Regarding the issue of dignity, the relevant theories of Jeremy Waldron will be introduced. Besides, this study also gives response to the following anti-regulatory claims: the hate speech regulation may "suppress political speech," "violate autonomy," "violate religious freedom or academic freedom," " engage in viewpoint discrimination," "violate content-neutral principle." This study also responds to Ronald Dworkin’s “Legitimacy Argument.”
In conclusion, this study proposes two definitions of hate speech, and advocates that there should be several constitutional bases for regulating sexual-orientation-based hate speech. The hate speech regulation, therefore, does not constitute excessive interference upon freedom of speech, which can be explained though the following perspectives. First, from the perspective of liberty, sexual-orientation-based hate speech is a regulatable speech act, which not only undermines the purpose of freedom of speech, but also causes psychological harm and hinders the right to freedom substantially to sexual-orientation minorities. Second, from the perspective of equality, the government should not discriminate against vulnerable groups in legislation level. Additionally, under constitutional obligation, the government should be obliged to protect vulnerable groups from and eliminate the discrimination in the society. Lastly, from the perspective of dignity, the government should regulate sexual-orientation-based hate speech to protect the dignity of sexual minorities and the public interest, i.e. the "social inclusiveness."

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及研究目的 1
第一項 研究動機 1
第二項 研究目的 3
第二節 文獻回顧 4
第三節 研究方法 9
第四節 本文架構 9

第二章 性傾向仇恨性言論與管制立法 11
第一節 前言-倡議伊始 11
第二節 仇恨性言論之定義 14
第一項 仇恨性言論管制立法例之舉隅 15
第二項 學說上的仇恨性言論定義 22
第三項 本文的仇恨性言論定義 28
第三節 性傾向仇恨性言論 39
第一項 性傾向對於性傾向少數族群的意義 39
第二項 我國性傾向歧視問題概況及仇恨性言論案例 46
第一款 大眾媒體呈現的同性戀樣貌 47
第二款 社會對同性戀者態度研究 49
第三款 法律與執法上的性傾向歧視 54
第四款 我國仇恨性言論案例 56
第三項 性傾向歧視的可能成因 58
第一款 精神分析角度:逃避動物性 58
第二款 社會學角度:父權體制、異性戀霸權、刻板印象與污名 61
第四項 性傾向歧視攻擊的動機 64
第四節 性傾向仇恨性言論管制的可能性、必要性 67
第一項 管制立法的實然可能性 67
第二項 管制立法的應然必要性 71

第三章 自由權面向的性傾向仇恨性言論管制理論基礎 75
第一節 仇恨性言論屬具管制容許性的言語行為-言語行為理論 75
第一項 傳統法學上「言論/行為」以及「言論內容」的區分難題 76
第二項 以言語行為理論探討言論與言論內容-語用面向的關懷 78
第三項 仇恨性言論應屬具管制容許性的言語行為 81
第二節 修正言論自由理論的缺失 83
第一項 言論自由理論基礎 84
第二項 言論自由理論基礎於仇恨性言論議題的可能缺失 87
第三項 管制仇恨性言論以達成保障言論自由的目的 95
第四項 回應主張管制侵害言論自由的違憲質疑 96
第一款 對健全民主程序說的回應 96
第二款 對表現自我說的回應 102
第三節 基於傷害原則:防止性傾向仇恨言論的傷害及負面影響 107
第一項 國家限制自由的前提-傷害原則 107
第二項 性傾向仇恨性言論的傷害及負面影響 109
第一款 仇恨性言論能否及如何造成傷害及負面影響 109
第二款 傷害評估的前提問題與性傾向仇恨性言論的特殊傷害 114
第三款 性傾向少數族群的身心理傷害 117
第四款 性傾向少數族群的自由權行使受阻 119
第五款 其他公共利益的減損 123
第三項 回應主張管制侵害其它自由權的違憲質疑 125
第四節 小結 134

第四章 平等權及其它面向的性傾向仇恨性言論管制理論基礎 137
第一節 平等權面向的理論基礎-落實平等權內涵的實質平等精神 137
第一項 我國憲法平等權蘊涵實質平等精神 138
第二項 性傾向少數族群屬實質平等觀下需受保護的弱勢族群 141
第三項 性傾向仇恨性言論侵害性傾向少數的平等權 146
第四項 管制性傾向仇恨性言論有助於落實平等權內涵 148
第五項 回應平等權面向的違憲質疑-形式平等與內容中立原則 150
第一款 「形式平等觀」在本議題所出現的缺失 151
第二款 回應「禁止觀點歧視」及「內容中立原則」違憲質疑 154
第二節 其它支持管制論點-尊嚴與社會包容性 159
第一項 管制性傾向仇恨性言論以保障尊嚴與社會包容性 159
第二項 回應來自法理學的反管制論點-正當性論證 165
第一款 Ronald Dworkin的「正當性論證」 166
第二款 Jeremy Waldron的批判及Ronald Dworkin的回應 167
第三款 本文回應 174
第三項 回應管制危害論 179
第三節 小結 182

第五章 結論 185
第一節 結論 185
第二節 管制立法建議 189
第三節 仇恨性言論管制未盡的難題-本文不足之處 192
第四節 未來展望 195
參考文獻 201

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