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研究生(外文):Chun-Han Ko
論文名稱(外文):Study on Hydrodynamic Performance of a Breakwater-Integrated Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter
指導教授(外文):Ching-Piao Tsai
口試委員(外文):Shih-Chun HsiaoCheng LinChih-Min HsiehWen-Juinn Chen
外文關鍵詞:renewable energywave energywave energy converteroscillating water columnbreakwaterCFD
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本研究旨在針對新型防波堤整合震盪水柱式波能擷取裝置之水動力以及空氣動力特性進行探討。此新型防波堤結合震盪水柱式波能擷取裝置係由Tsai (2016)提出,該裝置於傳統震盪水柱式波能擷取裝置前方加裝一孔隙牆,以抵抗暴風波浪來臨時所受之波浪力,並同時增加波浪能量之擷取效率。本研究同時利用數值模式以及物理實驗進行,數值模式利用Flow-3D計算流體力學軟體進行模擬,該模式應用FAVOR技術搭配三維空間建模,可有效的模擬孔隙牆的結構。由於震盪水柱式波能擷取裝置的運作包含了水及空氣間的能量轉換,因此利用二相流體(two-fluids)進行模擬。且考量到全尺度下高速的氣流可能產生壓縮性,可壓縮流(compressible flow)的模式也一併考量。本文引用了文獻之數值、實驗資料進行流場特性之驗證,以確保網格及紊流模式的適用性。並與物理實驗進行流場、氣場、氣能輸出特性以及裝置體所受之波浪力進行驗證。本文主要之研究結果以全尺度之模擬進行,探討流場特性、幾何結構之影響以及受波力之情形。
研究結果顯示,波能量擷取的高峰發生於震盪水柱震盪過程中經過平均水位的時刻。且當氣室內產生負壓時,氣體會由氣孔被吸入裝置體;氣室內為正壓時,則會將氣體擠出至外界,是為推動風渦輪機的機制。透過流場的特性分析,發現前板開口處附近會產生較大的速度及渦流,說明前板之幾何型態會影響水體進出艙室。由氣場分布則可以觀察到氣體進出氣室時呈現一集中於氣室中央的柱狀氣流。本文分別針對各幾何結構進行優化,其中包括了內外艙室寬度之比例、前版之開口高度、氣室開孔之面積比以及前孔隙牆之孔隙率。結果發現各項結構都具有最佳之幾何配置,在適當的波浪條件下,可達到約84%的擷取效率。藉由探討新型防波堤整合震盪水柱式波能擷取裝置之幾何影響過程中,發現震盪水柱的艙室寬度越寬,其共振頻率也會隨之上升。且前版之開口高度則在0.6倍水深時,有最佳的擷取效率。氣室開孔越小,所產生的流速及壓力差皆越大,但因總流量降低,使氣室開孔面積之最佳比例為0.7 %的氣室面積。此外,前孔隙牆會影響反射率以及紊流能量消散,其開孔率則在25 %時有最佳的擷取效率。本研究另外針對典型裝置進行艙室之幾何影響評估,發現前版開口高度以及氣室開孔面積之結果皆與新型裝置體相同,分別為0.6倍水深以及0.7 %的氣室面積。將新型及典型裝置體進行比較,發現新型防波堤整合震盪水柱式波能擷取裝置不僅可以提高波能量之擷取效率,還能降低前版所受之波浪力。
This study is aimed to investigate the hydrodynamic and aerodynamic performances of an innovative breakwater-integrated oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter. This innovative OWC device consists of an extra perforated wall in front of the typical OWC chamber, which can be integrated with a caisson breakwater for capturing efficiently the wave power. The characteristics of the flow behavior in the OWC chamber and the effect of structural geometry on the hydrodynamic efficiency of the device are investigated by adopting both numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. The CFD numerical model for solving this air-water and wave-structure interaction problems is based on the three-dimensional RANS equations and the RNG -ε turbulent closure model, from which the numerical simulations is implemented by the Flow-3D software. The numerical model is first validated by using previous PIV experimental results for a typical OWC chamber and the present experiments for the innovative OWC device. Then the numerical simulations considering full scale OWC model are implemented for exploring the water and air flow characteristics and the geometric effect on the hydrodynamic performance parameters, including the water column surface elevation, the differential air pressure in the chamber, the airflow rate through the orifice and the pneumatic power.
Based on the numerical simulations and experimental investigation, it is found that the larger velocity of water flow and the corresponding vortices always occur near the lip of the front submerged wall, and the airflow forms a conical shape due to the circular orifice on the roof centre of chamber. The maximum positive and negative differential air pressures in the chamber occur at the instant as the mean water level of the oscillating water column commences upward and downward, respectively. The positive and negative differential air pressure inside the chamber induce the air to extrude and suck through the orifice.
The effects of the chamber geometry including the chamber breadth, the open height of front submerged wall, the orifice size and porosity of the front perforated wall are discussed by simulations considering full scale model of the present OWC device. It is found that the following remarkable effects. (i) The maximum pneumatic efficiency could reach to about 84% under the resonant frequency condition and the optimized geometry. (ii) The resonant frequency condition decreases with the increase of the breadth of the OWC chamber. (iii) The smaller and larger entrances of the open submerged wall could not produce higher pneumatic power, which the optimum value is found as 0.6 times of the water depth. (iv) The smaller orifice area might induce the larger the airflow velocity across the orifice and the larger differential air pressure in the chamber, however it does not produce the larger the pneumatic power due to the lower airflow rate. The max hydrodynamic efficiency happened as the orifice area ratio is 0.7%. (v) The front perforated wall could influents the wave reflection coefficient and the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy, and reaches the max hydrodynamic efficiency when the porosity is 25%. Finally, by the comparisons the hydrodynamic performance between present and typical OWC, it shows that the present OWC device has better performance for pneumatic power extraction and less wave pressure on the front submerged wall.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xiii
List of Notations xiv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Development of OWC devices 2
1.2.1 Fixed-structure OWCs 3
1.2.2 Breakwater-integrated OWCs 8
1.2.3 Floating-structure OWCs 11
1.3 Literature reviews 14
1.4 Objective of this thesis 17
1.5 Configuration of the present OWC device 18
1.6 Contents of this thesis 20
Chapter 2 Numerical Model 22
2.1 Formulations 22
2.1.1 Governing equations 22
2.1.2 Turbulent model 23
2.1.3 Volume of Fluid (VOF) method 24
2.1.4 FAVOR technique 25
2.1.5 Boundary conditions 26
2.2 Computational mesh set-up 29
Chapter 3 Experiments 31
3.1 Experimental set-up 31
3.2 Measuring instruments 35
3.3 Experimental conditions 39
Chapter 4 Model Validations 41
4.1 Hydrodynamic performance parameters 41
4.2 Validations with previous studies of typical OWC device 42
4.2.1 Sensitivity of computational meshes 44
4.2.2 Comparisons of flow field 48
4.2.3 Comparisons of hydrodynamic performance 51
4.3 Validations with present experiments of breakwater-integrated OWC 52
4.3.1 Comparisons of wave profiles 54
4.3.2 Comparisons of hydrodynamic performance 55
4.3.3 Comparisons of flow pattern 57
4.3.4 Comparisons of wave pressure 60
Chapter 5 Numerical Simulations for Full-Scale Device 63
5.1 Computational conditions 63
5.2 Flow behaviors 65
5.3 Effects of geometry on hydrodynamic efficiency 72
5.4 Comparisons between present and typical OWC device 85
5.4.1 Comparisons of hydrodynamic performance 87
5.4.2 Comparisons of flow patterns 89
5.4.3 Comparisons of wave pressure 92
Chapter 6 Conclusions 95
6.1 Conclusions 95
6.2 Suggestion for future works 97
Appendix: Setting of Flow-3D in this study 99
References 100
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