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論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Intuitive Human Robot Interface for Tele-operation by DDPG with HER
指導教授(外文):Tzuu-Hseng S. Li
外文關鍵詞:DDPGhome service robotmotion capturereinforcement learning
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This thesis proposes an intuitive human robot interface (HRI), which allows a human operator to tele-operate a robot and to teach the robot some specific motions. This system contains a motion capture system and a motion learning network. The motion capture system includes a RGB-D camera and an operating glove. The position of the human operator’s hand is estimated by an open skeleton tracking library, named Openpose, through the RGB-D images, while the posture of the hand is calculated by the information captured by the glove. An inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a microprocessor are equipped on the glove. The data from the IMU are calibrated by the Recursive Least Square method (RLS) and calculated by the Madgwick’s algorithm. Based on the observed position and posture of the human operator’s hand, a motion can be constructed. The motion is then trained through the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) network by using the Reverse Curriculum Generation (RCG) method. The DDPG is a hybrid algorithm from deep learning and reinforcement learning, and is suitable to deal with continues data. This network has the Actor-Critic structure and a replay experience buffer, therefore, the network is more feasible and can avoid overfitting. Besides, the Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) is added to the network to increase the speed of convergence and performance. Finally, the experiments demonstrate that the proposed HRI system allows the robot to imitate human operator in real time, and the imitated motion can be learned by the proposed DDPG network.
Abstract Ⅰ
Contents Ⅲ
List of Figures Ⅵ
List of Tables Ⅹ
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Related Work 2
1.2.1 Human Robot Interface (HRI) 2
1.2.2 Motion Learning 3
1.2.3 Deep Reinforcement Learning 3
1.2.4 The Training Method and Modified Structure of DRL 4
1.3 System Overview 4
1.4 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Real Time Human Motion Capture System 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Definition of Different Coordinate Systems 8
2.3 End-effector Position Estimation 10
2.3.1 Human Body Skeleton Tracking Using Openpose 11
2.3.2 Jitter Removal Filter 12
2.3.3 Anti Z-axis Rotation 14
2.4 Palm Orientation Estimation 16
2.4.1 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 16
2.4.2 IMU Calibration[42] 17
2.4.3 Madgwick’s Algorithm [44] 20
2.5 Experiments 30
Chapter 3 DDPG Based Manipulator Goal Tracking System 33
3.1 Introduction 33
3.2 System Overview 34
3.3 Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) 35
3.4 DDPG on 7-DOF Manipulator 45
3.5 Simulation and Experiments 56
Chapter 4 Enhancing DDPG with HER and RCG 61
4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Model Training Acceleration with HER 62
4.3 Simulational Result of DDPG with HER 65
4.4 Reverse Curriculum Generation (RCG) [54] Inspired Motion Representation 68
4.5 Simulation Result of RCG Inspired Training 72
Chapter 5 Experiments 75
5.1 Introduction 75
5.2 Experimental Environment Configuration 76
5.3 Experiment I: Tolerance Test for Different Users 77
5.4 Experiment II: Simple Service Task and Interact with Human 79
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 82
6.1 Conclusions 82
6.2 Future Work 84
References 85
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