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研究生(外文):Ren-Wei Liou
論文名稱(外文):Development of Early Attack Prediction Using Trustworthy Probability Estimation and Evidence Mapping on Attack Graph
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Attack GraphIntrusion Detection SystemEvidence MappingNetwork Vulnerability Analysis
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隨著資訊技術的日新月異以及知識的普及化,網路攻擊的數量日益增加且他們的攻擊手段也越來越複雜,資訊安全的議題就顯得格外的重要。大部分的系統管理者選擇在機器上架設入侵偵測系統(IDS)來監控系統的網路環境。入侵偵測系統會透過分析網路流量或是系統日誌檔 (log) 來發覺是否有異常現象發生,當發現可疑的情況時,入侵偵測系統會發出大量的警報通知系統管理者。資訊含量低且冗贅的警報,會造成分析上的困擾;況且如果只知道系統的現況是無法成功進行防禦的,所以單只依靠入侵偵測系統是不足的。
另一方面,攻擊圖(Attack graph)可以分析資訊系統並於攻擊發生前將該系統可能遭受的攻擊手段提供給系統的管理者,管理者有權可以決定是否修復這些漏洞;但是基於經費及公司其他內部因素考量,並非所有的系統漏洞都可以被修正。在這種情況下攻擊圖可以協助管理者進行預測攻擊。但由於目前所發展的攻擊圖主要應用在事前分析之用途,並不考慮漏洞被利用的機率問題,所以這是我們試圖改進的一個重要議題。
With the advance on computer science technology, the abilities of attackers have continuously improved as well, and their artifices are getting more and more sophisticated. To secure the system, an intrusion detection system is usually deployed to notice the administrator when abnormal events happen. However, due to the poor quality of IDS alerts, massive quantity of alerts will decrease the analysis performance, let alone most of them are false positive. Furthermore, it is not enough to avoid the attacking threats only knowing current crisis.
On the other hand, attack graph can analyze the information system and provide the administrator some valuable information about which attack tricks the system may suffer. The administrators have the authority to decide whether these system vulnerabilities should be repaired. However, not all vulnerabilities can be fixed under the considerations of funding and other internal factors of the company; hence in this situation, attack graph can assists the administrators predicting attacks. Nevertheless, since currently developed attack graphs are mainly applied on the pre-analysis, they do not concern about the exploitable probability of each vulnerability. Therefore, this thesis focuses on this important issue and tries to improve it.
In this thesis, we proposed a network attack prediction framework based on the improved attack graph with precisely estimated probabilities. According to the pre-drawn probability attack graph, the administrator can realize all possible weak spots and attack paths in the system. For improving probability issue, two probability propagation functions were designed to update the probabilities for the next connected nodes. Moreover, this thesis provides a mapping function to map the exact alert as an evidence to the node of the attack graph and predict the most likely attacking paths for the current situation. This allows the attack prediction more precisely in order to increase the success rate of defense.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Contribution 3
1.4 Organization 5
Chapter 2. Preliminaries 6
2.1 Intrusion detection system overview 6
2.2 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) 7
2.3 Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) 7
2.4 Related Works 8
2.4.1 MulVAL attack graph 8
2.4.2 Attack graph with probability 9
Chapter 3. Proposed Scheme 11
3.1 Alert aggregation 12
3.2 Attack graph preprocess 12
3.3 Evidence mapping 17
Chapter 4. Experiment Results 18
4.1 DARPA 2000 Intrusion Dataset [9] 18
4.1.1 Snort alerts 20
4.1.2 Attack Graph of LLDoS scenario 2 21
4.1.3 Mapping alerts 24
4.2 UNB ISCX-IDS-2012 [25] 27
4.2.1 Attack Graph of ISCX-IDS-2012 30
4.2.2 Mapping alerts 32
Chapter 5. Conclusion 36
References 37
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