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研究生(外文):Jia-Hao Tang
論文名稱(外文):Assessment Methods of Bricklaying Competitions Assisted by Close-range Photogrammetry
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Skills competition is an annual event for vocational education, and bricklaying is one of the long-established competitions. The assessment methods of the bricklaying competition mainly adopts the manual measurement method, which is time consuming and laborious, and the brick walls are not easy to save. Close-range photogrammetry is a well-developed technology that can generate 3D point cloud models and accurately reconstruct 3D surface through dense image matching. This study applies the close-range photogrammetry to assist in the scoring of brickwork competitions. By establishing a reliable model coordinate system with control points, and a adequate mission planning, , the non-metric camera is used to obtain numerous overlapping images of the brickwork. Then the 3D modeling software (ContextCapture) is used to produce the high-density point cloud. Finally the point cloud measurement procedure developed by this study is applied to perform the measurement of the dimension, plumb, level and alignment of the brick walls in the point cloud in a semi-automatic manner. Through the experimental evaluation and testing of the feasibility of the proposed method, it is shown that semi-automated point cloud measurement can indeed reduce manual measurement and reduce the impact of human factors. In addition, the point cloud can completely preserve the brick wall and is convenient for digital platform display, and can also be used as a basis for re-assessment when the competitors raises the objection. This study uses close-range photogrammetry to provide a low-cost but high-quality measurement operations for bricklaying competition with improved efficiency in existing method.
致謝 i
摘要 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第2章 技能競賽及砌磚職類介紹 5
2.1 技能競賽 5
2.2 砌磚介紹 7
2.3 砌磚職類競賽方式及評分方法 10
第3章 近景攝影測量基本原理 13
3.1 透視投影 13
3.2 像片坐標系統 14
3.3 像片方位參數 15
3.3.1 內方位參數率定 18
3.4 物像對應模式 19
3.5 共線方程式在攝影測量的應用 20
3.6 影像匹配 21
第4章 研究方法 23
4.1 建立坐標系統 24
4.2 拍攝規劃 25
4.3 產製點雲 28
4.4 點雲前處理 28
4.5 點雲量測 30
4.5.1 尺寸量測 31
4.5.2 垂直度、水平度量測 41
4.5.3 平整度量測 45
4.6 小結 46
第5章 實驗及成果分析 47
5.1 實驗配置 47
5.2 影像獲取 49
5.3 實驗一 50
5.3.1 實驗一成果檢核 51
5.4 實驗二 57
5.4.1 產製點雲模型 58
5.4.2 點雲前處理 59
5.4.3 尺寸量測 61
5.4.4 垂直、水平、平整度量測 67
5.4.5 實驗二成果檢核 69
5.5 小結 73
第6章 結論與建議 75
6.1 結論 75
6.2 建議 76
參考文獻 77
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