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研究生(外文):LI, HAO-HSIEN
論文名稱(外文):Design of frequency selective surface for electromagnetic shielding of lightning attack
外文關鍵詞:frequency selective surfacelightningelectromagnetic shielding
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本論文主要研究應用於閃電電磁屏蔽之頻率選擇表面設計,工作頻段為30 MHz ~ 200 MHz,此為閃電電磁干擾頻段,本文使用電磁模擬軟體(HFSS)進行分析,並探討S參數、結構隔離度。
內文提出三款量測方法及兩款頻率選擇表面,量測方法分別為遠場量測用於量測頻率選擇表面在自由空間中屏蔽效果,同軸治具量測頻率選擇表面工作頻段的屏蔽效果,仿雷擊電場量測測量頻率選擇表面在強電場中屏蔽效果。頻率選擇表面分別為環形槽孔與裂環形槽孔兩種結構,使用週期式陣列排列,其尺寸固定為180 mm  180 mm,採用平面印刷式雙層基板設計並分別以0.8 mm與1.6 mm板厚基板量測分析結構特性。實測環形槽孔設計於工作頻段屏蔽效果高於34.3 dB,裂環形槽孔設計於工作頻段屏蔽效果高於48.3 dB,裂環形槽孔設計比環形槽孔設計尺寸更小,屏蔽效果更佳。

The main objective of this thesis was the "Design of Frequency Selective Surface for Electromagnetic Shielding of Lightning Attack". The operating frequency ranging from 30 MHz ~ 200 MHz, is the lightning electromagnetic interference frequency band. In this study the electromagnetic simulation software (HFSS) is used to analyze, and discuss the S parameters, and structural isolation.
Three measurement methods and two frequency selective surfaces are proposed in the article. The measurement methods are far-field measurement to measure the shielding effectiveness of the frequency selective surface in free space, and coaxial measurement to measure the shielding effectiveness of the frequency selective surface in the operating frequency band, and imitating lightning electric field measurement and measuring frequency selective surface shielding effectiveness in strong electric field. The frequency selective surface has two structures: ring slots and split ring slots, using periodic array arrangement, both sizes are fixed at 180 mm  180 mm. Also adopting 0.8 mm and 1.6 mm thick flat-printed double-layer substrates, the author-measures and analyzes the structural characteristics. The measured ring slots design in the operating frequency band has a shielding effect higher than 34.3 dB, while the split ring slots design in the operating frequency band has a shielding effect higher than 48.3 dB. The split ring slots design is smaller in size than the ring slots design, and the shielding effectiveness is better.

摘要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3文獻導覽 4
1.4論文題要 5
第二章 基礎理論 6
2.1基礎電磁理論 6
2.2傳輸線理論 9
2.3電磁屏蔽原理 16
2.4頻率選擇表面 19
第三章 量測架構 22
3.1前言 22
3.2遠場量測 22
3.3同軸治具量測 27
3.4仿雷擊電場量測 28
3.5 結論 36
第四章 閃電電磁屏蔽之頻率選擇表面設計 37
4.1前言 37
4.2環形槽孔頻率選擇表面設計 37
4.3裂環形槽孔頻率選擇表面設計 49
4.4結論 58
第五章 結論與未來發展 59
參考文獻 61

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