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論文名稱:第五代行動通訊小型基地台高增益波束切換 之共形相控陣列天線暨其圓錐效應校正技術的研究與實現
論文名稱(外文):Development and realization of high-gain conformal phased array antenna with switched-beam and its conic effect calibrated technique for 5G small base stations
外文關鍵詞:compact high-gain antennabeam pointing operationconformal arrayuniform circular arrayconic-effect calibrateddual-mode beamforming comparison
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本論文將針對新一代通訊市場需求作為高增益天線設計目標,結合各場所之情境應用,於不同架設天線的高度,設計具有傾斜角輻射之定向波束,如室內及大樓帷幕牆壁上,或是放置在具有圓弧面的金屬物件上。天線設計一共引用相控陣列因子及天線單元關掉之雙重運用,形成七單元多天線縮小化形式,陣列間距僅需十分之一波長,並結合相控陣列因子的相位差分佈,選擇既定波束操控及抑制其餘旁波瓣之場型分佈,同時加強對小基站垂直面向下旁波瓣零點的補償,以改善對基站近區之訊號不佳的情況,並進行各天線之單元關掉分析最佳化分佈,可簡化饋入網路設計架構,量測的天線效率與增益皆大於70 %、7.5 dBi。然而,在實務情境中,後端系統有可能造成輸出振幅及相位誤差,導致陣列天線場型失真情況,藉由本文提出的雙模式場型比對方式,可有效改善後端系統之定向波束追蹤性能,且在不同模式下的場型亦不會互相干擾。最後,無論是任意共形陣列及均勻圓形陣列天線,皆提出解決圓錐效應校正公式與研究過程,將有效解決陣列天線擺放在圓弧面,導致嚴重的旁波瓣位準過高及場型失真問題。
In this thesis, the design of high-gain antennas is based on the needs of the new generation of the communication market, It is also recommended that the application can be flexibly deployed in different places. At different antenna heights, the offset angle required for the high-gain field will be adjusted in advance. With the ingenious dual use of the phased array factor and the missing source of the antenna unit, the seven-element antennas can be used to reduce the distance between the array spacing is only one-tenth, select the established beam steering and suppress the field distribution of the other side lobes to improve the poor signal to the near area of the base station, optimize the distribution of the load impedance of each antenna unit, reduce costs and establish a simplified feeder architecture in the network design. The measured antenna efficiency and gain are both greater than 70% and 7.5 dBi. However, in a practical situation, the back-end system may cause output amplitude and phase errors, resulting in field distortion of the array antenna. The dual-mode field comparison method proposed in this thesis can effectively improve the directional beam tracking of the back-end system performance. Finally, regardless of whether it is an arbitrary conformal array or a uniform circular array antenna, a calibration formula and research process are proposed to solve the conic effect, the effective solution is to place the array antenna on a circular arc surface, this improves severe sidelobe levels and arrays.
摘 要 iii
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 viii
圖 目 錄 ix
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究動機與文獻導覽 4
1.4 論文架構 7
第二章 具有傾斜角輻射之高增益天線設計 9
2.1 前言 9
2.2 高增益天線波束指向操控方式研究 10
2.3 微型化高增益天線之波束指向操控設計構想 13
2.4 微型化高增益天線設計 25
2.5 章節結論 37
第三章 高增益線性陣列天線暨波束成形設計 38
3.1 前言 38
3.2 4×1線性相控陣列天線研究 39
3.3 4×1線性相控陣列天線暨波束成形電路設計 48
3.4 章節結論 55
第四章 共形相控陣列天線之圓錐效應校正與實現 56
4.1 前言 56
4.2 分析圓錐效應對輻射場型影響 58
4.3 圓錐效應校正公式設計 62
4.4 量測圓錐效應校正與實驗結果 68
4.5 章節結論 73
第五章 未來研究方向 74
5.1 前言 74
5.2 均勻圓形陣列天線設計 75
5.3 章節結論 77
第六章 結論與未來展望 78
參考文獻 79

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