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研究生(外文):YANG, ZHE-KAI
論文名稱(外文):Design of wearable devices antennas and millimeter-wave phased array antennas for fifth-generation mobile communication
外文關鍵詞:Metal frame wearable antennaMIMO antenna designMetal strapPlanar Yagi antennaMutual couplingMillimeter wave phased array antennasBeamforming
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本論文主要研究應用於第五代通訊多集成天線整合穿戴式裝置與毫米波相控陣列天線之設計,操作頻段分別於5G Frequency Range 1和Frequency Range 2,研究各頻段天線屬性。
第一款為應用於第五代通訊多集成天線整合穿戴式裝置,應用頻段為5G FR1 n77/78/79 頻段。外觀採用金屬邊框並在天線的設計上與金屬邊框有效的結合,透過場型分集機制設計5G 2 × 2 MIMO天線,最後優化天線輻射場型並分析穿戴式天線上手之輻射效率,使用CST Studio Suite 模擬SAR極值與分佈。
第二款天線為平面式八木線性陣列天線之設計,應用於5G FR2 n261 頻段。從中探討了單天線集成巴倫饋入及阻抗匹配原理,雙天線單元的相互耦合特性和八天線單元的波束成型的技術。


This thesis mainly studies the design of the fifth-generation communication multi-integrated antenna integrated wearable device and millimeter-wave phased array antennas, operating frequency bands are 5G Frequency Range 1 and Frequency Range 2, respectively, and the antenna properties of each frequency band are studied.
The first one is multiple integrated antennas for wearable fifth-generation communication, the application frequency band is 5G FR1 n77/78/79 band. The exterior is a metal frame, and the antenna design and the metal frame are effectively combined, through the pattern diversity mechanism design 5G 2 × 2 MIMO antenna, finally optimize the antenna radiation pattern and analyze the radiation efficiency of the wearable antenna and use CST Studio Suite to simulate the SAR extreme value and distribution.
The second antenna is design of planar Yagi linear array antennas, applied to the 5G FR2 n261 band. It discusses the principle of single-antenna integrated balun feeding and impedance matching, the mutual coupling characteristics of dual-antenna units, and the technology of beamforming with eight-antenna units.
The third planar Yagi linear array antennas combines the design of a power divider and the second planar Yagi linear array antennas is designed to a T-junction power divider through a quarter-wave transformer. Finally, perform simulation and measurement and prove the practical feasibility of the designed antenna.
The fourth antenna introduces the power divider into the delay line design and designs the power divider output port with different electrical lengths so that each output port generates a phase difference and the main beam angle is shifted. It is verified that when the designed planar Yagi linear array antennas are matched with a T-junction power divider, it can be applied to beamforming technology with good performance through an effective coupling structure.
Keywords: Metal frame wearable antenna, MIMO antenna design, Metal strap, Planar Yagi antenna, Mutual coupling, Millimeter wave phased array antennas, Beamforming

摘要 i
誌 謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 序論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3論文架構 3
第二章 應用於第五代通訊多集成天線整合穿戴式裝置 4
2.1前言 4
2.2多天線配置架構與設計 5
2.2.1穿戴式天線系統結構 5
2.2.2 5G FR1 2 × 2 MIMO天線配置與設計 7
2.2.3 WLAN 2.4/5G band天線配置與設計 8
2.2.4 GSM 850/900與GPS 1575天線配置與設計 9
2.3天線實驗測量結果與討論 11
2.3.1實驗和測量結果 11
2.3.2參數探討 17
2.3.3場型分集和MIMO特性探討 29
2.4 手部模組探討與分析 32
2.4.1手部模組模擬結果分析與探討 32
2.4.2 SAR值評估 37
2.5 結論 42
第三章 平面式八木線性陣列天線之設計 43
3.1前言 43
3.2陣列天線原理 43
3.2.1兩點波源振幅和相位相同 43
3.2.2兩點波源振幅相同但任意相位差 47
3.3相控陣列天線原理 48
3.3.1波束方向 48
3.3.2線性陣列的陣列因數 52
3.3.3波束寬度 55
3.3.4相互耦合 56
3.4天線設計原理與結構 57
3.4.1天線設計原理 57
3.4.2單天線單元之平面式八木天線 60
3.4.3兩天線單元之平面式八木天線 63
3.4.4八天線單元之平面式八木陣列天線 66
3.5 結論 68
第四章 平面式八木線性陣列天線結合功率分配器設計 69
4.1前言 69
4.2 T-junction功率分配器 70
4.2.1無損功率分配器原理 71
4.2.2理想T-junction功率分配器 73
4.3天線設計原理與結構 74
4.4天線實驗測量結果與討論 77
4.5結論 82
第五章 平面式八木線性陣列天線結合延遲線功率分配器 83
5.1前言 83
5.2天線設計原理與結構 84
5.3天線實驗測量結果與討論 90
5.4結論 94
第六章 研究總結 95
參考文獻 96

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