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研究生(外文):QIAN, BO-QIE
論文名稱(外文):Design of 5G MIMO antennas for wearable devices
外文關鍵詞:metal framewatch antennaUWBband rejection circuithigh-pass matching circuitring antenna
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本論文提出應用於穿戴式裝置之 5G 多天線設計,在第五世代行動通訊的到來以及穿戴式市場的蓬勃發展的背景下,提出兩款天線設計分別應用於智慧型手錶及智慧型指環,其中手錶天線提出將 4G / 5G 的頻段整合在同一款天線上,並加入少見的 UWB 頻段設計,而指環天線則是突破物理尺寸的限制,達到多頻段的天線設計,兩款天線使用不同的設計方式來減少天線所佔的面積,讓結構窄小的穿戴式裝置能容納更多的天線。

第一款天線為具金屬邊框之 5G 手錶天線設計,包含 GPS、LTE M/H Band、WLAN 2.4 GHz、WLAN 5 GHz、C band 及 UWB,其中將 LTE M/H Band、n77及 n78 整合在同一款天線上,並在 WLAN 2.4 GHz 頻段支援 2 x 2 MIMO,而 UWB的加入,對於手錶來說能夠達到更好使用體驗。天線形式以槽孔天線來激發,並加入帶拒電路、高通匹配電路以及元件的使用,達成良好的匹配及頻寬表現。

第二款天線為具多頻段之指環天線設計,涵蓋藍芽(Bluetooth)、WLAN 2.4 GHz 和 WLAN 5 GHz,天線形式皆以偶極天線設計,在 WLAN 頻段的設計中,在偶極天線上嵌入了環形結構來達到縮小化及阻抗調整,並加入寄生貼片來達成WLAN 雙頻的設計,而在結構設計方面,指環使用 3D 列印來製成,考量到電路需要空間放置,於指環內部中設計電路擺放空間,最後在指環裡加入一層矽膠環,使輻射場型能改善為較具指向性之輻射表現。

In this thesis, the 5G MIMO antennas design applied to wearable devices are
proposed. In the context of the arrival of the fifth generation of mobile communications and the booming development of the wearable market, two antenna designs are proposed to be applied to smart watches and smart rings. The watch antenna proposes to integrate the 4G / 5G frequency bands on the same antenna, and add the rare UWB frequency band design, while the ring antenna breaks through the physical size limit and achieves a multi-band antenna design, The two antennas use different design methods to reduce the area occupied by the antenna, so that the wearable device with a narrow structure can accommodate more antennas.

The first antenna is a 5G watch antennas design with a metal frame, including GPS, LTE M/H Band, WLAN 2.4 GHz, WLAN 5 GHz, C band and UWB. Among them, LTE M/H Band, n77 and n78 are integrated on the same antenna, and support 2 x 2 MIMO at WLAN 2.4 GHz, and the addition of UWB can achieve a better user experience for the watch. The antenna forms are excited by slot antennas, and the use of band rejection circuits and high-pass matching circuits and components are added to achieve good matching and bandwidth performance.

The second antenna is a multi-band ring antenna design, covering Bluetooth, WLAN 2.4 GHz and WLAN 5 GHz. The antenna forms are all designed with dipole antennas. In the design of the WLAN frequency band, loop structure is embedded in the dipole antenna to achieve reduction and impedance adjustment, and parasitic patches are added to achieve the WLAN dual-frequency design. In terms of structural design, the ring is made using 3D printing, considering that the circuit needs space for placement, design the circuit placement space inside the ring, and finally, a layer of silicone ring is added to the ring to improve the radiation field pattern to more directional.

Finally, analyze the impact of the silicone strap (ring) on the wearable antenna, and conduct an extended discussion on the impact of the hand on the antenna when worn, so that the two antennas can achieve better and more comprehensive applications.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 文獻導覽 2
1.4 論文提要 3
第二章 具金屬邊框之 5G 手錶天線設計 4
2.1 前言 4
2.2 天線設計原理與結構 6
2.3 天線實驗與量測結果 12
2.4 手錶天線之 MIMO 多天線探討 44
2.5 結論 46
第三章 具多頻段之指環天線設計 47
3.1 前言 47
3.2 天線設計原理與結構 49
3.3 天線實驗與量測結果 52
3.4 結論 66
第四章 矽膠結構探討與手部影響分析 67
4.1 前言 67
4.2 矽膠結構對於天線效能之影響 67
4.3 穿戴時手部對於天線效能之影響 70
4.4 結論 78
第五章 結論與未來發展 79
參考文獻 80

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