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論文名稱(外文):Design of low SAR smart glasses antennas for fifth-generation communication
外文關鍵詞:Specific absorption rateVR glasses antennaAR glasses antennaMIMO antenna designMultimode resonant antennaMillimeter wave array antenna
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第一款天線為具4X4 MIMO之第五代VR眼鏡天線設計,應用頻段為5G FR1 n77/78/79頻段。運用單極饋入耦合至金屬牆激發雙模態,透過模態分集機制設計4× 4 MIMO天線,最後運用天線相關係數計算MIMO多樣性指標係數(ECC、DG、TARC、MEG、CCL),符合低耦合特性。
第二款天線為應用於第五代通訊多模共振AR 眼鏡天線裝置,頻段涵蓋Wi-Fi 6E、5G FR1 n77/78/79 及mmWave n261,在Sub - 7GHz頻段下設計一款立體式結構具備Monopole、Slot及Loop三種共振模態耦合機制天線達到寬頻設計,運用多種縮小化設計,整體面積尺寸減少了50 %,在mmWave頻段使用1 × 4串列式 Dipole陣列天線,搭配T型功率分波器達到高增益,並加裝反射板於天線背面,增強天線指向性進而提升增益。
In this thesis, the low SAR smart glasses antenna designed for fifth-generation communication. With the concept of Metaverse and the development of fifth-generation mobile communication, smart glasses have become an active area for global technology companies. Two antenna design solutions are proposed for VR and AR smart glasses. The skeleton of the glasses is manufactured by 3D printing technology and is closely integrated with the antenna.
The first antenna is a fifth generation VR glasses antenna with 4X4 MIMO in the 5G FR1 n77/78/79 bands.Dual mode excitation using a monopole feed coupled to a metal wall.Design of 4×4 MIMO antenna by modal diversity mechanism.Finally, the performance parameters (ECC, DG, TARC, MEG, CCL) of the MIMO antenna are calculated.The low coupling characteristics are satisfied.
The second antenna is a multimode resonant AR glasses antenna device ..The frequency bands cover Wi-Fi 6E, 5G FR1 n77/78/79 and mmWave n261. A three-dimensional structure with monopole, slot and loop mode coupling mechanisms was designed in the sub-7GHz band, enabling multiple miniaturized broadband designs and reducing the overall area size by 50%. A tandem dipole array antenna was used in the millimeter wave band. Use a power divider with a T-junction and add a reflector plate at the back of the antenna to improve the antenna gain.
Finally, the effect of adding the human skull model on the glasses antenna was analyzed, and the distribution of SAR values was simulated by HFSS.Comparison of different glasses skeleton materials.It is verified that the designed VR/AR glasses antenna is suitable for practical applications and has good performance.

摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VII
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 文獻導覽 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 具4X4 MIMO之第五代VR眼鏡天線設計 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 MIMO理論與參數說明 7
2.3 天線設計原理與架構 10
2.4 天線實驗與測量結果 12
2.5 結論 28
第三章 應用於第五代通訊多模共振AR眼鏡裝置 29
3.1 前言 29
3.2 T型接面功率分波器 30
3.3 天線設計原理與架構 35
3.4 天線實驗與測量結果 42
3.5 結論 66
第四章 特定電磁波能量吸收率分析與探討 67
4.1 前言 67
4.2 特定電磁波能量吸收率理論概述 68
4.3 穿戴時頭部對於天線性能之影響 70
4.4 智慧眼鏡機構擺放配置架構 78
4.5 結論 81
第五章 結論與未來發展 82
參考文獻 83

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