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研究生(外文):WU, HSIN-CHIEH
論文名稱(外文):Design of integrated antennas for 5G mobile terminal devices
外文關鍵詞:metal frameslit antennaslot antennamonopole antennaMIMO antennas
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本論文提出應用於 5G 行動終端裝置之多天線整合設計,由於行動通訊技術快速地發展以及使用者有功能性及外觀質感的考量,使行動終端裝置設計環境與空間配置具有挑戰性,所以提出應用於金屬邊框之 5G 筆電天線整合設計,其中一種為四天線合一的天線設計,整體操作頻段為 4G LTE (0.85-0.95 GHz、2.3-2.69 GHz)、Wi-Fi 6E(2.4-2.5 GHz、5.15-5.85 GHz、5.925-7.125 GHz)及 5G NR n77(3.3-4.2 GHz);n78(3.3-3.8 GHz);n79(4.4-5 GHz)天線設計,及應用於金屬邊框之 5G 平板天線整合設計,整體頻段操作於 5G NR n77(3.3-4.2 GHz);n78(3.3-3.8 GHz);n79(4.4-5 GHz)天線設計。
第一款天線為金屬邊框之 5G 筆電天線設計,設計在全金屬環境下,將 4G LTE/GPS 及 Wi-Fi 6E 共四支天線整合在一款天線系統模組上,在 4G LTE/GPS 頻段可支援 2 × 2 MIMO 系統,Wi-Fi 6E 頻段可支援 4 × 4 MIMO 系統,而 5G n77/n78/n79 將兩支天線鏡像擺放整合在同一款天線系統模組上,可支援 4 × 4 MIMO系統。天線透過內外層耦合線,搭配匹配網路設計,達到IFA、Loop、Monopole Antenna 多頻段模態設計,具有良好天線性能表現。
第二款天線為金屬邊框之 5G 平板天線設計,設計在全金屬環境下,提出一款四天線合一不斷金屬邊框整合設計,涵蓋操作頻段為 5G NR n77(3.3-4.2 GHz);n78(3.3-3.8 GHz);n79(4.4-5 GHz)天線設計,一款天線為雙 Open-slot Antenna 結合設計,可支援 5G NR n77(3.3-4.2 GHz);n78(3.3-3.8 GHz);n79(4.4-5 GHz)之操作頻段,可支援 4 × 4 MIMO 系統,而另一款天線為雙 Closed-slot Antenna 結合設計,可支援 5G NR n79(4.4-5 GHz)操作頻段,可支援 4 × 4 MIMO 系統。天線透過負載式耦合線饋入,並建立短路節點機制,達到雙模態機制,具有良好的天線性能表現。
This thesis proposes a multi-antenna integrated design applied to 5G mobile terminal devices. Due to the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the consideration of functionality and appearance and texture of users, the design environment and space configuration of mobile terminal devices are challenging. Therefore, the application is proposed. The integrated design of 5G laptop antennas on the metal frame, one of which is a four-in-one antenna design, the overall frequency band operates in 4G LTE (0.85-0.95GHz, 2.3-2.69 GHz), Wi-Fi 6E (2.4-2.5 GHz, 5.15-5.85 GHz, 5.925-7.125 GHz) and 5G NR n77 (3.3-4.2 GHz); n78 (3.3-3.8 GHz); n79 (4.4-5 GHz) antenna design, and 5G panel antenna integration design for metal frame, the overall frequency band operates in 5G NR n77 (3.3-4.2 GHz); n78 (3.3-3.8 GHz); n79(4.4-5 GHz) antenna design.
The first antenna is designed as a 5G laptop antenna with a metal frame. It is designed in an all-metal environment and integrates four antennas of 4G LTE/GPS and Wi-Fi 6E on the same antenna. It can support 2 antennas in the 4G LTE/GPS frequency band 2 × 2 MIMO system, Wi-Fi 6E frequency band can support 4 × 4 MIMO system, while 5G n77/n78/n79 integrates two antennas mirrored on the same antenna to support 4 × 4 MIMO system. The antenna passes through the inner and outer layers of the coupling line, and is matched with the matching network design to achieve the multi-band modal design of IFA, Loop, Monopole antenna, and has good antenna performance.
The second antenna is a 5G panel antenna design with metal frame. It is designed in an all-metal environment. A four-antenna integrated design with continuous metal frame is proposed, covering the operating frequency band of 5G NR n77 (3.3-4.2 GHz); n78 (3.3 -3.8 GHz); n79 (4.4-5 GHz) antenna design, one antenna is designed for dual Openslot Antenna, can support 5G NR n77 (3.3-4.2 GHz); n78(3.3-3.8 GHz); n79 (4.4-5 GHz) operating frequency band, can support 4 × 4 MIMO system, and another antenna is III designed for dual Closed-slot Antenna, can support 5G NR n79 (4.4-5 GHz) operating frequency band, can support 4 × 4 MIMO system. The antenna is fed through a load-type coupling line, and a short-circuit node mechanism is established to achieve a dual-mode mechanism with good antenna performance.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 文獻導覽 4
1.4 論文提要5
第二章 應用於金屬邊框之5G筆電天線整合設計 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 天線設計原理與結構 7
2.3 天線實驗與量測結果 16
2.4 天線結構參數與探討 34
2.5 結論 47
第三章 應用於金屬邊框之5G平板天線整合設計 48
3.1 前言 48
3.2 天線設計原理與結構 49
3.3 天線實驗與量測結果 52
3.4 天線結構參數與探討 61
3.5 金屬邊框5G平板天線之MIMO多天線探討 69
3.6 結論 72
第四章 結論與未來發展 73
參考文獻 74

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