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研究生(外文):SU, HONG-XIAN
論文名稱(外文):Design of High-Gain Composite Resonant Antennas and its Application
外文關鍵詞:metal interferencemonopole antennaslot antennacomposite resonancehigh-gainshark fin antenna
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本論文的研究主題為高增益複合式共振天線的設計與應用,因應目前5G網路的時代,一開始設計之工作頻段為5G NR FR1 n78 (New Radio Frequency Range-1 n78 band),以單極天線與槽孔天線之間的結合產生耦合效應達到增益疊加效果,並具有雙共振模態及雙向輻射之特性,且有效解決金屬屏蔽之影響,最後將此結構作為延伸實際應用於車聯網之V2X( Vehicle-to-everything)頻段設計,並進行研究與分析。
第一款天線設計為應用在Sub-6 GHz n78頻段的5G複合式共振天線,天線整體結構以平面式單極天線作為激發天線,並透過兩天線之間的間距變化使其與槽孔天線耦合共振,達到具有高增益之效果。
第二款天線設計為應用在Sub-6 GHz n78頻段的5G串列型複合式共振天線,天線形式以第一款天線作為延伸,模擬設備中多層金屬架構,增加一槽孔天線與之作為結合並且相互共振,此時的天線增益為以上天線之總和,有效利用空間並避免金屬干擾。
This research is about the design and application of high-gain composite resonant antennas. According to the development of the 5G network, the initial structure of the frequency band was 5G NR FR1 n78 (New Radio Frequency Range-1 n78 band). With the connection between a monopole antenna and a slot antenna, the coupling effect is created and the gain is enhanced. In addition, it has the characteristics of double resonance modes and two-way radiation, which can effectively avoid the effect of metal shielding. As an extension, this structure is used in the V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) frequency band design and has been further studied and analyzed in this research.
Designed as a 5G composite resonant antenna in the Sub-6 GHz n78 band, the first type of antenna adopts a planar monopole antenna as an exciting antenna and achieves a high-gain effect by applying a coupled resonance with the slot antenna based on the interval change between the two types.
As an extension of the first type, the second type antenna is designed as a 5G serial composite resonant antenna in the Sub-6 GHz n78 band, which simulates the multi-layer metal structures of the facility and integrates and resonates with an additional slot antenna. In such circumstances, the antenna gain will be the maximum of the above antennas, which can optimize the spatial arrangement and prevent metal interference.
For the application of the V2X, the third type of antenna has been designed as a shark fin antenna with a frequency of C-V2X that mainly adopts a vertical monopole antenna as an exciting one with the backside of the shark fin as a ground plane. Since this antenna is designed for real-time communication with vehicles, the actual driving condition should be taken into account. As a consequence, the design of the sheet metal will generate a coupled resonance with the four-sided slot antenna to create a similar pattern of isotropic radiation with high gain, which will facilitate communication within the V2X.

摘要 I
致謝 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 文獻導覽 3
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 5G複合式共振天線設計 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 天線設計原理與結構 6
2.2.1 單極天線設計原理與架構 6
2.2.2 槽孔天線設計原理與架構 8
2.2.3 5G複合共振天線設計與原理 11
2.3 天線實驗與量測結果 17
2.3.1 實驗與量測結果 17
2.3.2 參數探討 26
2.4 結論 31
第三章 5G串列型複合式共振天線設計 33
3.1 前言 33
3.2 天線設計原理與結構 33
3.3 天線實驗與量測結果 37
3.3.1實驗與量測結果 37
3.3.2 參數探討 50
3.4 結論 55
第四章 應用於車聯網之鯊魚鰭天線設計 57
4.1 前言 57
4.2 天線設計原理與結構 58
4.3 天線實驗與量測結果 64
4.3.1實驗與量測結果 64
4.3.2 參數探討 74
4.4 結論 80
第五章 總結論與未來展望 81
參考文獻 84

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