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論文名稱(外文):Design of V2X and wearable device antennas for fifth-generation communication
中文關鍵詞:車聯網高增益天線複合式共振天線倒 F 型天線小型基地台
外文關鍵詞:Vehicle-to-Everythinghigh-gain antennahybrid-resonator antennainverted F antennasmall base station
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第一款天線為安裝於車頂之車聯網天線設計,由高增益式偶極天線做圓形環繞配置使水平方向輻射無死角,以及內部高增益複合式共振天線兩種天線設計組成,分別應用頻段 DSRC、C-V2X 與 5G n78,第一種設計在基本偶極天線結構結合八木天線原理加入反射板與導向器,第二種設計使用三層結構共構且共振輻射,兩種設計皆可達到高增益表現。
第二款天線為應用於無金屬邊框之手錶天線設計,使用 0.2 mm 厚度之玻璃纖維基板製作一個輕薄結構,提出一款蜿蜒式 IFA 天線並加入一段短截線,改善阻抗達到更好的匹配效果,頻段涵蓋 LTE Band5 及 GPS ,以及兩種耦合式IFA 天線,將電流耦合下地產生雙模態機制減少使用空間並增加操作頻段,可分別支援頻段5G n77 ~ n79 及 Wi-Fi 6E 全頻段,具有良好頻寬表現。

In this thesis, the V2X and wearable device antennas have been designed for the fifth-generation mobile communication. With the rapid development of the fifth-generation mobile communication technology, the expansion and application of the internet of things and smart city has been promoted in recent years. Therefore, two antenna designs for the V2X and smart watch have been proposed respectively.
The first design is for the internet of vehicles installed on the roof. It is composed of two antenna designs: high gain dipole antenna with circular surrounding configuration to make the omnidirectional radiation in horizontal direction, and internal high gain composite resonant antenna. The frequency bands include DSRC, C-V2X and 5G n78 band. The first design uses the basic dipole with the Yagi antenna principle adding reflectors and director. And the second design uses a three-layer structure co-construction and resonant radiation, both of two designs achieve high gain performance.
The second design is for wrist watch without metal frame. A 0.2 mm thickness FR4 substrate is used to make a light and thin structure. A meandering IFA antenna with a stub is proposed including frequency bands LTE Band5 and GPS. And two coupled IFA antennas are proposed for 5G n77 ~ n79 band and Wi-Fi 6E respectively. Couple the currents to the ground to generate dual-mode mechanism to reduce the usd space and increase the operating frequency bands.

摘要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表 目 錄 v
圖 目 錄 vi
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 文獻導覽 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 安裝於車頂之車聯網天線設計 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 天線設計原理與結構 5
2.3 天線實驗與量測結果 9
2.4 陣列天線之波束成形與圓錐效應校正探討 28
2.5 結論 32
第三章 無金屬邊框之手錶天線設計 33
3.1 前言 33
3.2 天線設計原理與結構 33
3.3 天線實驗與量測結果 35
3.4 天線結構變數與探討 51
3.5 結論 58
第四章 結論與未來展 59
參考文獻 60

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