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論文名稱(外文):IoT-based River Water Quality Monitoring System
外文關鍵詞:water qualityautomatically measurementembedded system
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本論文使用NI myRIO嵌入式系統做為自動量測浮台之核心控制器,以及一台電腦作為伺服器。自動量測浮台每一小時皆會對河川水質進行檢測,當數據檢測完成後會藉由無線通訊技術上傳至資料庫。
In recent years, the rapid industrial development has led to increasingly serious water pollution in rivers, and people's awareness of environmental conservation has gradually increased. Therefore, relevant government departments begin to sample the water quality of the river and send it to the laboratory for analysis, but this method consumes manpower and time cost. This paper designs a automatic measurement floating platform to automatically measurement and upload the water quality of the river, so that the public can check the water quality of the river.
In this paper, the NI myRIO embedded system is used as the core controller of the floating platform, and a computer is used as the server. The automatic measurement floating platform will test the water quality of the river every hour. After the data measurement is completed, it will be uploaded to the database through wireless communication technology.
This paper improves two problems. First, in the past, river data testing was done by human sampling, and then brought back to the laboratory for numerical analysis of water quality. Second, in the past, the periodicity of river data measurement and the time required for water quality analysis were too long to reflect the current water quality status in time. This paper provides a system that can automatically measurement water quality data in real time and automatically return the value, so that government departments and the public can get real time water quality status of river.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.4研究方法 5
1.5論文架構 5
第二章 NI myRIO嵌入式系統 7
2.1NI myRIO簡介與特性 7
2.2 NI LabVIEW圖控式程式介紹 10
第三章 系統架構 13
3.1 自動量測浮台-硬體架構 14
3.2 自動量測浮台-電源供應 15
3.3 自動量測浮台-固定方式 17
3.4 自動量測浮台-數據檢測方式 19
3.4.1 檢測水溫 20
3.4.2 檢測pH值 21
3.4.3 檢測溶氧值 23
3.4.4 檢測濁度 25
3.4.5 檢測水中總溶解固體 26
3.4.6 檢測氧化還原電位 27
3.4.7 檢測導電度 28
3.4.8 檢測PM2.5及PM10 29
3.4.9 感測器控制板 31
3.5 自動量測浮台-資料傳輸方式 34
第四章 水質數據檢測及顯示 39
4.1 自動量測浮台數據檢測流程 39
4.2 伺服器 41
4.2.1 XAMPP介紹 41
4.2.2 網頁伺服器 42
4.2.3數據資料庫 43
4.3 使用者介面 44
第五章 高雄市後勁溪水質檢測驗證 46
5.1 自動量測浮台實體 46
5.2 實際測試 48
第六章 結論與未來展望 50
6.1 結論 50
6.2 未來展望 52
參考文獻 53
自傳 58
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