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研究生:阮 明 新
研究生(外文):Nguyen Minh Tan
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Miniatured UHF RFID Tag Antennas Attached on Signal Absorption and Reflection Surfaces
指導教授:陳 華 明
指導教授(外文):Hua-Ming Chen
口試委員(外文):Chow Yen Desmond SimHua-Ming ChenSong-Lin ChenYi-Fang LinHorng-Dean ChenJin-Sen ChenZhou Liang ZheChien-Hung Chen
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對於 RFID 標籤天線應用,標籤的實現增益、輻射效率和共軛阻抗等質量特性對環境中材料的成分和特性(例如它們的電導率)非常敏感。 金屬表面可以將從閱讀器天線發射的電磁入射波轉換為 180 度異相的反射信號,反射信號與原始入射波之間的這種干擾會降低天線的輻射效率和實現的增益 . 此外,干擾會導致主要平行於導體表面的電流流動。 水和其他液體或人體對近場環境中標籤天線性能的影響較小,因為近場介質的較長工作波長較少被液體吸收。 相反,遠場RFID標籤的波長較短,很容易被液體吸收。 因此,實現的增益、輻射效率和讀取範圍將嚴重退化。 為了解決這些障礙,設計並製造了三種新型標籤天線。 第一個標籤天線是通過使用安裝在金屬平面上的小短路板配置的。 微型標籤由兩層組成,頂部的 C 形諧振器使用尺寸為 Tw 的 3 mm2 的小短路壁連接到底部的接地平面。 使用一塊尺寸為 30 毫米 x 30 毫米 x 2.6 毫米的軟泡沫支撐頂層和底層之間的間隙。 位於 C 形諧振器下臂上的兩個開口狹縫圍繞 Tn 尺寸為 2 mm2 的短路壁蝕刻。 C形貼片中心的縫隙和饋電環的尺寸分別為LS 0.2 mm2 和LC 0.5 mm2 ,它們都將用於控制天線的共軛阻抗。 為了進一步縮小標籤天線的尺寸,在第二個設計中對多槽天線結構的配置進行了建模和驗證。 這個設計包括
一個雙 I 形諧振器,帶有幾個 I 形槽和一個短接到小短路板的接地平面。 在雙 I 貼片和開放狹縫中間蝕刻閉合槽允許靈活調整頻率以匹配 RFID 芯片的共軛阻抗。 該結構具有 28.02 x 25.02 x 2.61 mm3 的薄型,標籤天線實現了 99.74% 的高功率傳輸係數,實現了 −2.3 dB 的增益,讀取範圍為 8.1 m 當標籤放置在尺寸為 250 x 250 mm2 的金屬表面的中心時。 第三種結構是本文中最重要的設計,因為標籤天線在相同配置下同時適用於反射和吸收表面,而標籤的性能在三種情況下(金屬,裝滿水的容器)變化很小 , 和人的手腕)。 偶極天線(尺寸,32 × 25 × 3.2 mm3)包括兩塊 PCB FR4 板(頂層和底層),介電常數為 4.4,並由軟泡沫基板 (H2 = 2 mm) 支撐。 上板為 1 mm 單面 FR4 基板,頂層中間有兩個相同大小的矩形貼片,中心條帶周圍對稱地刻有幾個 C 形諧振器,間隙為 0.4 mm 同一架飛機。 在矩形貼片和 C 形諧振器的每一端都插入了四個短路過孔(半徑 = 0.7 mm),以增加諧振電流路徑長度。
For the RFID tag antenna applications, the quality properties of the tag in the realized gain, radiation efficiency, and conjugate impedance are greatly sensitive to the composition and characteristics of materials in the environment, such as their conductivity. A metal surface can transform an electromagnetic incident wave transmitted from a reader antenna to reflective signals with a 180-degree out-of-phase, this interference between the reflective signals and the original incident wave can deteriorate the radiation efficiency and realized gain of the antenna. Additionally, the interference can cause a current flow that is predominantly parallel to the surface of a conductive. Water and other liquids, or the human body have less effect on the tag antenna performance in the near-field environment because the longer operational wavelengths of the near-field medium are less absorbed by liquids. On the contrary, the far-field RFID tag has a shorter wavelength and they are easily absorbed by liquids. Therefore, the realized gain, radiation efficiency, and read range will be seriously degraded. To solve these obstacles, the three new tag antennas were designed and fabricated. The first tag antenna was configured by using a small shorting plate mounted on a metallic plane. The miniaturized tag consists of two layers, the top C-shaped resonator is connected to the ground plane at the bottom using the small shorting wall with the size of Tw by 3 mm2. The gap between the top and bottom layers is supported utilizing a piece of soft foam with a dimension of 30 mm by 30 mm by 2.6 mm. Two open slits located on the lower arm of the C-shaped resonator are etching around the shorting wall with the dimension of Tn by 2 mm2. A slot and feeding loop in the center of the C-shaped patch has the dimension of LS by 0.2 mm2 and LC by 0.5 mm2, respectively, all of those will be employed to control the conjugate impedance of the antenna. To further miniature the dimension of a tag antenna, the configuration of the antenna structure with multi-slots was modeled and validated in the second design. This design consists of
a double I-shaped resonator with a couple of I-shaped slots and a ground plane shorted to a small shorting plate. Etching closed slots in the middle of the double of I–patch and open slits allowed the flexibility frequency adjusting to match the conjugate impedance of an RFID chip. The structure has a low profile of 28.02 by 25.02 by 2.61 mm3, and the tag antenna achieves a high power transmission coefficient of 99.74%, realized gain of −2.3 dB, and a read range of 8.1 m when the tag is placed on the center of a metal surface of size 250 by 250 mm2. The third structure is the most important design in this thesis because the tag antenna propers to both the reflection and absorption surfaces at the same time in the same configuration while the performance of the tag changes only minimally in three cases (metal, container of full water, and human wrist). The dipole antenna (dimensions, 32 × 25 × 3.2 mm3) includes two PCB FR4 boards (top and bottom layers) that have a dielectric constant of 4.4 and are supported by using a soft foam substrate (H2 = 2 mm). The upper plate is a 1-mm single-face of FR4 substrate with two same–size rectangular patches in the middle of the top layer and a couple of C-shaped resonators symmetrically around the center strips with a gap of 0.4 mm etched on the same plane. Four shorting vias (radius = 0.7 mm) have been inserted at every end of the rectangular patches and C-shaped resonators to increase the resonance current path length.

1.1 Briefly about RFID system: Overview and State of The Art
1.2 Effect of environment on RFID tag operation
1.3 Design methods for miniaturized RFID tag antennas
1.4 Measurement method for RFID chip
1.5 Calculation method for the realized gain radiation patterns
1.6 Motivation and objectives

2.1 Antenna design and optimization
2.2 Design procedure and current analysis
2.3 Equivalent circuit model
2.4 Parameter study
2.5 Experiment and discussion

3.1 Antenna design
3.2 Input impdedance measurement of RFID chip
3.3 Design analysis and surface current distribution
3.4 Equivalent circuit model
3.5 Parameters evaluation
3.6 Experiment results and discussion

4.1 Antenna design
4.2 Design procedure and current distribution of 3D dipole tag antenna
4.3 Equivalent circuit model
4.4 Parameter evaluation
4.5 Results and discussion


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