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研究生(外文):XU, JIN-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Intelligent Vertical Greenhouse Planting System-Orchids as an example
外文關鍵詞:intelligent greenhousemachine visionwireless transmission
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Taiwan's agriculture is well-known around the world, with fruit and flowers being the main exports. Orchids, in particular, account for 80% of the total flower exports due to their high economic value. Because the growth of orchids requires careful attention to avoid damage that could affect their export value, this paper aims to design an organic and intelligent greenhouse system using orchids as a demonstration crop. The system aims to help farmers reduce labor costs and increase profits by combining technology with agriculture, especially in challenging growing conditions or with limited manpower.
The system architecture includes an intelligent greenhouse, machine vision, and wireless transmission. The greenhouse is based on vertical farming, and an embedded system is used to adjust the environment. A user interface is also established so that users can adjust the environment according to different crops and their own needs. Vertical farming involves stacking crops vertically, and a custom track is built using the layered structure of vertical farming. A movable camera is mounted on the track, and an real-time pest detection system is designed using machine vision. When pests are detected during the growth of crops, organic pest control products are used.

中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 2
1.4研究方法 3
1.5論文架構 4
第二章 NI myRIO嵌入式系統 5
2.1 NI myRIO簡介與特性 5
2.2 LabVIEW圖控式程式介紹 7
第三章 智慧化垂直式溫室系統 9
3.1垂直式溫室 10
3.1.1溫室環境對植物之影響 11
3.2客製化軌道設計 11
3.2.1滾珠螺桿滑軌特性 12
3.2.2同步帶線性滑台特性 15
3.2.3 DM542馬達驅動器特性 15
3.3水路系統 18
3.3.1滴灌子系統 19
3.3.2水霧子系統 19
3.4環境監測子系統 20
3.4.1溫溼度感測器 20
3.4.2光照感測器 22
3.4.3數據處理 22
3.5環境控制子系統 24
3.5.1光照控制子系統 24
3.5.2溫溼度控制子系統 26
3.6蟲害檢測子系統 35
3.6.1機器視覺 37
3.6.2機器視覺實驗 38
3.7資料庫與網頁 39
第四章 研究成果 41
4.1智慧化垂直式溫室栽種系統實體 41
4.2實際測試 42
4.2.1溫度及濕度環境控制 42
4.2.2蟲害檢測 45
4.3實驗結果與分析 46
第五章 結論與未來展望 48
5.1結論 48
5.2未來展望 49
參考文獻 50

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